I keep saying that Maddy hasn’t done right by his congressional district.
I’ll say it again, why did the voters pick him in the first place? He has no experience, hell has he even held a single job for 12 months, in a row? They elected a “attention whore”, and they got a “attention whore”.
" Some Democrats have contemplated the idea of a filibuster carveout for abortion, which they would seek to use to pass a law protecting the right — often referred to as a codification of Roe. Such a law would likely make use of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution…"
Why are some Dems tearing at each other over this when the current Supreme Court would simply nullify it anyway, the way they’re doing with the current Roe ruling vis a vis the Commerce Clause? It’s already moot.
Next step after that is getting the Supreme Court to rule fetal personhood is an inviolable right, such that even after Democrats win back control, they would not be able to make abortion legal again (except by Constitutional Amendment).
They want a Roe-like ruling that prevents the legally of abortion even after they get kicked out of power.
This tells you everything one needs to know, it was never about abortion, abortion was just a means to an end. It’s all about power. This is a huge victory and they are not celebrating.