McConnell Rips Pelosi’s Demand | Talking Points Memo

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Tuesday tore into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) following her call to remove 11 statues representing Confederate figures from the U.S. Capitol.

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"and I am a descendant of a Confederate veteran myself,”

Well, that explains a lot.


Airbrush? I don’t think that would get rid of the statues. How about dynamite?


As previously noted, Mitch McConnell is also a descendant of at least two slave-holders.

Odd that he didn’t mention this.



I really do not like Mitch McConnell. (Understatement of the year…)


I do not like thee, McConnell,
The reason why I cannot tell.
But this I know and know full well,
I do not like thee, McConnell.


Thanks for the literary flourish!


Oh, I think Nancy can take care of herself.


“What I do think is clearly a bridge too far is this nonsense that we need to airbrush the Capitol and scrub out everybody from years ago who had any connection to slavery,” McConnell said, before mentioning that eight former presidents owned slaves.

OK then, how about we just get rid of ones who committed treason against the United States, instead?


What I do think is clearly a bridge too far is this nonsense that we need to airbrush the Capitol and scrub out everybody from years ago who had any connection to slavery,”

Nah, just those that decided that keeping other humans in bondage was worth engaging in treason, and fighting against the constitution.

Edit: ^ and it’s @irasdad by a nose


No surprise that McConnell is comfortable being surrounded with statues of traitors to America, since he’s one as well.


Exactly. He viciously tore down that straw man. He’s trying to conflate the issues of all slaveholders from the past (which could be its own discussion, but it’s not the one here) when the Speaker was specifically referring to the Confederates who continued to defend slavery as an institution.

Rhetorical question: is he capable of engaging people’s actual arguments instead of the made-up arguments that he would prefer they made? I’ve yet to see any evidence to that effect.


I’m sorry, but I don’t think Majority Leader McConnell quite gets it. She is not airbrushing the issue, she’s destroying it. Sorry, but the traitors lost. Still, there is an enormous amount of work left to do regarding equal rights for all. But this country should not cast the South and their drive to maintain slavery or its symbols as something to fondly celebrate and maintain. It is that simple - the South lost. Now, all of us, the entire country, needs to make sure that we all have equal rights and that these rights are protected by all those who take political office at the municipal, state, and federal level as well as those who choose to uphold the law and protect US citizens. There may be differences in opinion as to how to do things, but no longer should anyone question our basic rights, and what a basic right even is. The only historical revisionism underway is from the Republican Party and the likes. We as a country need to fully embrace the necessary changes. We’ve wasted too much time and untold lives already. That too is part of our collective legacy. Stay safe, stay educated, and vote in November. Our lives depend on it.


Therefore Turtleface only exists because the Union was more ethical than his forefathers.


Why not have a secluded section called “Benedict Arnold’s Gallery of American Traitors”? Maybe a little bonus section called “Traitors to Humanity” where you could have statues of yer Hitlers, Stalins, McConnells and such.


I presume you mean things like the Lincoln Memorial.

The South won the war during Reconstruction and we’ve been paying the price ever since.

That a Confederate like MoscowMitch is in charge tells you all you need to know about who won.

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A reporter should ask why is it ok to honor someone from another nation that went to eat war against the US. If the answer is we aren’t then fuck you Moscow Mitch


Why do we have monuments to treasonous traitors in our Nation’s Capitol?


For the right price, I bet McConnell would trade the statues of Confederates for statues of heroes of the GRU and FIS.