After spending six years gleefully steamrolling Democrats over judicial appointments, particularly with regards to the Supreme Court, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was suddenly appalled at the notion of eschewing bipartisanship early Friday morning after Senate Democrats passed President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 package through budget reconciliation, thereby dodging inevitable GOP obstruction.
“Do as I say, not as I do.” Hopefully the last words of a distressed party that needs to re-invent itself. Just think of their fall - from the Party of Security to the Party that believes little Jewish men in space are using blue laser beams to cause forest fires, among numerous other absurdities. If The Onion made this type of stuff up, readers would claim they were too absurd.
I will crush them into the ground. Joe Biden will get NOTHING and I will make sure he is a failure and a one term president.
Wait, what? The Dems won Georgia? I’m not in charge anymore? Well, why aren’t the evil Democrats being nice? I mean, I was always soooooo accommodating to other opinions. The Democrats should bend over and listen to my butt hurt feelings.
those amendments included Sen. Todd Young’s (R-IN) amendment to exclude undocumented immigrants from the next round of stimulus payments and Sen. Steve Daines’ (R-MT) amendment to overturn President Joe Biden’s executive order to kill construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, according to the Washington Post.
I think that the Media is failing to make the point that given Mitch’s history of obstruction, he is actually more delusional than Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump combined.
Exactly right, Mitch. Keep moaning to the media about how the horrible Democrats pulled tricks to make sure that Americans get $1,400 in their pockets immediately, plus a higher minimum wage, plus help for small businesses including vaccines for essential workers, plus money for states and cities, plus everything else we desperately need.
Bad, BAD Democrats! Keep it up, Mitch. Don’t let Americans ever forget who did this terrible COVID relief bill to them.
Mitch needs to don the sack clothe, smear his face with ash and flagellate himself in mourning for the norms, ‘bipartisanship,’ comity and procedure he so gleefully helped to strangle on his watch. (ed.)
Me? I’ve got the world’s smallest violin tuned and ready to serenade his plaints with the world’s saddest song.
Oh Mitch…TOUGH SHT. You never even CONSIDERED the Dems for years. You never let their legislation or amendments see the light of day. You insult the Dems with a ‘package’ that doesn’t cover most things. Please. Your ‘outrage’ is hypocritical, political and laughable.
With stimulus checks used for buying guns, January of 2021 set an all time record for gun sales. Expect gun sales to really surge after the forthcoming larger checks. I feel safer already
The time for bipartisanship was that period between May and October when Majority Leader Mitch failed to advance coronavirus relief in response to the House’s passage of a bill, and when he chose to focus on seating Amy Coney-Barrett on the Supreme Court instead of helping suffering Americans.