Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Monday expressed his dismay over the “disturbing” trend of declining vaccination rates in his home state.
You don’t know what to do, Mitch? How about being honest about the pandemic fro the beginning, and making sure the Republican message about scientist being wrong and “governments trying to control you!!!” was shut down a year ago. If you want to know why people aren’t taking the vaccine, look at your colleagues and their messaging (and lying)…that’s the root cause of most of the vaccine hesitancy in the nation today.
Not as " disturbing" as th tolerance showed for Trumps botched response last spring when he knew this thing was coming like a freight train and did little to counter the GOP nonsense concerning masks,vaccines, dearth of PPE materials…being forthright then could have made a huge difference…
“Well I don’t know what else we can do other than make it available,” McConnell said. “Apparently we have plenty of supplies and I’m perplexed as to why we can’t finish the job and I think we just keep talking about it and hope and make it as available as possible.”
Your Former Guy and nearly all the current GQP guys and gals in the House and Senate, as well as your propaganda machine over at Faux News bulldoze vaccinations as life threatening invasions of freedumb and you are surprised??
Ever heard of the principle of “cause and effect”??
Hey Mitch, I know someone who could record a PSA for your state and encourage people to get vaccinated. Guy used to be President, still has lots of fans in your state. I know you have a policy that his name shall never again pass your lips, but you can pass the word to your Kentucky comrade Rand Paul. I’m sure he still has phone privileges with the former guy.
What’s that you say? Rand thinks Freedumb is more important than the vaccine? Then I guess you’re screwed.
“Pressed on whether he has any suggestions for the federal government to address vaccine hesitancy, McConnell reiterated that he can’t comprehend why people are holding off on getting inoculated when there are enough supplies for the public.”
Here’s a hint. The orange tubby loser that your party worships. And your party’s favorite cable “news” channel.
“I just don’t have any idea why my fellow Kentuckians are spurning the socialist, nano-tracker, Biden/Soros vaccine. We’ve gone out of our way to make sure they’re fully informed about it.”
You’re damn right! McConnell is as responsible for the state of things as Trump is. Every time I’m in my Kroger (which is embarrassingly often), someone comes over the intercom to beg people to come get their Covid shot. Every. Damn. Time. But here’s the deal. Just about everyone I know in the Ville got vaccinated. I imagine Lexington is the same way. There’s some vaccine hesitancy in the Black community still but the worst of it seems to have died down. The folks most resistant to getting the vaccine are McConnell’s voters and he knows what that means for the KY GOP’s future.