Amy McGrath, the former fighter pilot who’s running against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), reportedly raised $2.5 million within the first 24 hours of her campaign launch.
I suspect yertle doesn’t care if anyone likes him. I think he has utter disdain for the average citizens in Kentucky. He doesn’t need grass roots donors as he has the deepest, darkest pockets in the country supporting him.
I wish her luck , but the real story is she will cause the RNC and the Senate reelection committee to divert a lot of cash they normally wouldn’t need to spend just like they did with Beto in Texas .
The silent pan of Yertles ugly mug ain’t going to cut it
Hope you haven’t had your lunch
It does not matter much that she raised this money. Most of the voters in Kentucky are incredibly dense, even voting against people who gave them health care.
I don’t think it matters that McConnell might be the most hated Senator in America.
What does matter is whether McConnell is the most hated Senator in Kentucky. If he’s not, then he’ll be back in 2020 and probably until he leaves this mortal coil (although why G-d would even want him is beyond my poor understanding).
It’s the same with the good Senator in Maine - unless the constituencies have a viable replacement and have really become fed up with their representation, nothing will change. That’s the power of incumbency.
She is going up against the TRUE POWER in the US, not some backwoods Senators.
McConnell has backing from all of the big money Oligarchs, Extraction Industry SuperPACS, Banking Interests, and, Russia. Not to mention he is the Senate Majority Leader and thus the most powerful man in America (way more than Cheeto Mussolini.)
He also has NO morals, scruples, or restraints as to what he is willing to say, or do, to get re-elected. Just look at his earlier campaigns; He LOVES to get down in the mud and wrestle his opponents, so McGrath better be ready to have every single moment of her life examined under a microscope and every single action LIED ABOUT in millions of dollars of SuperPAC ads that McConnell can disavow (while controlling.)
Maine is a lot different than Kentucky. Susan Collins promised the voters of Maine that she wouldn’t vote for any SCOTUS candidate who would vote to overturn Roe. And then she went ahead and voted to confirm the execrable Kavanaugh. That kind of right-wingerism is popular in Kentucky, but very much not so in Maine.
Sure it matters. Her campaign will cause the RNC to divert money, and she can physically out-campaign him, run circles around him: maybe he will collapse under his own weight.