Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is throwing his support behind Defense Secretary Mark Esper amid reports that the White House is “not happy” after Esper broke with President Trump by opposing invoking the Insurrection Act to quell protests.
In Thursday morning tweets, McConnell praised both Esper and Attorney General Bill Barr for their “dedicated work at this difficult time.” McConnell added that he is glad the President “assembled such an impressive team.”
This is the way that McConnell attempts to support Esper while also supporting Barr for unleashing real prison riot-control thugs upon peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park. This is how McConnell attempts to appease the fascist Trump. There’s a reason why they have no identification on their uniforms. We The People would object to unleashing professionally brutal beasts on our peaceful children.
1/For the last few days I’ve been asking a simple question - did the President and his Attorney General invent a domestic terror threat to allow the military escalation we are seeing?
Moscow Mitch must have realized that his previous namby pamby ‘statement’ just wasn’t gonna cut it…with ANYBODY. If he wants to be re-elected he needs to appear like he cares about the Constitution…
Republicans get a lot of support from defense contractors, the more baroque the weapons system the better. Raytheon, one of the top 5 contractors, has seen its share price decline by 55% this year, despite direct links to Esper. The amount of oversight in these contracts, which can run in the tens of billions, is negligible. For Raytheon, which just merged with United Technologies, the issue is more the failure on its commercial side. Defense is the one true business that persists. Kevin, Mitch and Donald, will give them anything, because they get magnificent kickback funds in return. Indeed, the money doesn’t stop at the border. They create jobs in Saudi, for example, Assembiling bomb parts is a much more labor-intense activity than just making bone saws.