McConnell Backs Bipartisan Bill To Prevent Next Jan. 6

Shouldn’t we have a national reserve?


I’m guessing late 80s or early 90s. I’m just wondering where he got his getup?


Not even satire.


Tucker implies that Biden sabotaged Nordstream 2.


The world must be a really quiet place these days, that Tucker has to rely on made-up stories to fill his broadcast hour of sludge. Truly amazing how quiet the world is. [/s]

I’m going to go with-- ‘those are people the owner of the photo doesn’t hate, and/or including themself’?


Another one


every time voters have picked a Republican president, we’ve seen some Democrats and Congress resist the people’s decision and try to challenge the electoral count.

Both sides! I can’t remember all the times I’ve beaten policemen and broke windows on the capitol building…all those riots are just blended into each other over the years. But I’m sure FOX has an extensive archive of all those Democratic outrages on tape.


Satan’s been holding the position open until Kissinger gets down there. But McConnell can be the Junior Adjunct. After all, they’ve got Eternity.

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Then oh for a Burke and Hare.

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looks like faces are scratched out, so there’s a lot of shame there somewhere

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Maybe. Having recently moved back to Quebec, I might have a few left in a box in the garage that I haven’t unpacked yet (but given how I feel as I type this, I suspect the box didn’t make it… :roll_eyes: )


The irony and hypocrisy is astounding! The man who has for years been the most ANTIdemocratic member of Congress…Who has acted in a way that is totally antithetical to democratic process…NOW this SOB acts like he is a patriot who believes in our Constitution and the processes of the Senate involving compromise and reasoned consideration!
Pardon me while I go puke!


You give this POS way too much credit for being decent human being.

No, I give him no credit at all, I’m pointing out what he believes about himself…his actions in office are the opposite of creating a functioning democracy, but he thinks that is what he is doing when he removes the ability of anyone to vote against Republicans. He will go down in history as one of the worst politicians we’ve had.

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Don’t forget all the legislation that was NOT brought to the floor. They are at their best when they do nothing which is their goal. Oh, wait, passing lower tax bills for the wealthy gets done quite handily. I think I’m going to have to take a break from all political news. So fatigued by the ignorance and stupidity. I thought I was a tolerant person, but they’ve worn me down. Ready to put them all (folks who willingly close their eyes and ears to common sense) to sea in a sieve! I mean, why would one chose to be ignorant and stupid?

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Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh all signaled support for the theory in a series of 2020 election-related shadow docket dissents/concurrences, though Kavanaugh left himself room to retreat by saying he saw merit to Bothsides of the argument.

To the extent not inconsistent with her Catholic fundamentalism, Barrett is a FedSoc judge above all. I would be surprised if she balks.

As to Roberts, destroying democracy is his life’s work going back to his days in the Reagan Administration. He’s the one who gutted the VRA. He’s the author of Citizens United, these are the cases that set us on the road to democratic decline. He may concur in the result rather than join the majority, but he’s not going to dissent or, especially, cast a decisive vote against it.

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