That he needs to maintain an open door to foreign leaders (even such as Qevin), and be seen keeping that door open for all.
And on top of all of his other short-comings…
He’s a coward.
McCarthy is proving himself to be even weaker than previously thought. That’s impressive.
Democrats should start referring to MTG as the Speaker of the House. She’s clearly the person with all the power.
Ukraine needs our help and that of our NATO allies, because if Putin wins it’s bad for every democracy. OTOH the defense contractors are making out like bandits. OTOH the GOP likes giving our money to defense contractors. OTOH the GOP hates Biden and is loathe to follow his leadership even on matters of national security- they are blinded by extreme partisanship. OTOH disloyalty to the USA in wartime looks like support for Putin, who is the biggest war criminal since World War II.
Kevin McCarthy is going to have to become much smarter than his reputation to get through this.
Basically, Kevin is a Californian GOP shill afraid to go to Ukraine. I hope the Ukrainian-Americans in his district see him for the coward he is and vote him out in the next Congressional election.
So called Leadership that has gone by the wayside.
“Make no mistake: Congressmen Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy are proud Republicans. But they believe the party had lost sight of the ideals it believes in, like economic freedom, limited government, the sanctity of life, and putting families first. This isn’t your grandfather’s Republican party. These Young Guns of the House GOP—Cantor (the leader), Ryan (the thinker), and McCarthy (the strategist)—are ready to take their belief in the principles that have made America great and translate it into solutions that will make the future even better, solutions that will create private sector jobs, maximize individual freedom, and establish a better world for our children. This groundbreaking book is a call to action that sets forth a plan for growth, opportunity, and commitment that will propel this country to prosperity once again. Together, the Young Guns are changing the face of the Republican party and giving us a new road map back to the American dream.”
When you are done retching over the above, it is hard to think this clown followed Nancy as Speaker of the House. I guess we can hope Rupert’s text will reveal how many horrible promises McCarthy made to secure his shaky position.
You know it’s bad when McConnell slams the House Speaker for his failure to lead.
A Fishing License talent asked to guide a Chamber of Congress, FFS…
Talking about what anyone “should” have done is the calling card of chickenshit scumbags. I wish someone would remove a manhole cover right in front of this POS. The sewer would probably vomit him right back out, but I’d still enjoy it.
It is unclear as to what more McCarthy needs to do to make the world understand that he is absolutely positively Anti-Ukraine … that he clamors for their brutal defeat & will do everything available to him to work to make this happen.
McCarthy is unequivocally Pro-Putin & Pro-Russia … and will seek to tip the scales in their direction at every turn.
If Russia is our enemy and is brutally waging a war of outright greed & aggression on our ally- Ukraine … what does it say about the Speaker - that he is irretrievably & actively on the side of our enemy?
That is it, in a nutshell, he is too chicken to go.
We have always known Qevin to be a chicken-shit, haven’t we?
Qevin McQarthy told aids he’d immediately accept an invitation from Vladimir Putin to visit Russia. “He’s my role model,” McQarthy explained to his girlfriend Margie Three Toes.”™️
I hate the “analysis” that McCarthy isn’t going because he’s a chicken. I hate how it feeds into toxic masculinity and a pointless machismo pissing contest.
If your issue is that McCarthy won’t stand up to the lunatics in the R party, fine, I agree that’s unacceptable, because the lunatics are wrong and destructive and a good leader should push back against them.
But if your issue is that McCarthy is a fraidy cat for refusing to go into an active war zone for a choreographed visit where he will not learn anything he can’t already learn from the copious amount of information readily available to him in his office, then we have a serious disagreement. My criteria for good leadership and policy has nothing to do with who can bench press the most weight, who can stare the most resolutely across the Korean DMZ, or who has the biggest dick. That’s Fox News warlord train stuff, and I have zero interest in riding it.
He won’t stand up to the freedom caucus because 5 vote flips is all that stands between him and his future as a nobody lobbyist. That’s simple math and simple power politics.
The “issue” part is not his personal courage, it’s making him defend himself against the attack. Like one texas politician famously said, “I don’t care if he’s really a goatfucker, I just want to make him deny it.”
Now, the real issue is that Qevin is in charge of appropriations bills for aid to Ukraine, and he’s the only significant member of congress to turn down the opportunity for a slam dunk goodwill photo-op in Kyiv. He won’t make that token gesture of support, because for some reason the House freedom caucus has their knives out for ukraine. So, burn Qevin’s ass for it. By whatever means are available.
You know, during W’s Iraq war crime, “We’re fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here” was an oft-heard refrain. Of course, it was performative bullshit because loosely affiliated terrorists weren’t magically funneled through Iraq and required to go through some kind of gauntlet before they could travel to the US.
Fast forward 20 years, and the phrase actually applies. Russia isn’t going to invade us if they manage to defeat Ukraine, but they would certainly be a much more difficult and powerful foe. Qevin and his qrew really are such pieces of shit.
Let’s see, for 10% of the defense budget you destroy half of Russias army? Bargain.
Well, sure, a bargain for us, but a losing proposition for anyone nominally being supported by them.