House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) ignored New York state and local Republicans’ calls for Rep. George Santos (R-NY) to resign on Wednesday.
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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) ignored New York state and local Republicans’ calls for Rep. George Santos (R-NY) to resign on Wednesday.
McCarthy on Santos: Who Among Us Hasn’t Fluffed Up The Old Resume?
Does he mean besides the same sycophants and genuflectors who act as Toadglans’ fluffers?
“Is there a charge against him? You know, in America today, you’re innocent until proven guilty,” McCarthy added.
You mean like Hunter Biden?
Ugliest cat ever.
Should Santos have lied about his citizenship, or get himself expelled from congress due to looming imprisonment for money laundering, that does not void McCarthey’s successful speaker election (won by half a vote). But…under the rules they chose to adopt this week, any one critter can in effect force a re-vote.
Yeah, I know, but he doesn’t scratch the furniture.
BTW His name is Teddy.
“Whether we forget something we are not proud of, or embellish it, or blame somebody else, we want to save face by not owning up to shortcomings.” ― Karen Horney, Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Towards Self-Realization
libTards haVe giVen CpsB 67,000 aRmed AgentS to taKe awAy our gas stoVes!
Will they leave it down on the street or do they also engage a carting service?
“I try to stick to the Constitution,” he told reporters. “The voters elected him to serve. If there is a concern it has to go through the Ethics [committee.]”
So, um, let’s see an official copy of his birth certificate and/or naturalization paperwork…NOW!
worst speaker for our times
Have to go with McCarthy on this one. After all, he claims to be the actual Speaker of the House.
It’s fun to contemplate McCarthy being in such a precarious position that his solution is to simultaneously trash the R brand and keep what amounts to a ticking bomb in his caucus.
Or any other Democrat they attack.
Just ask, “Mr. Speaker. Have you no shame? You need to step down now.”
Won’t happen, of course, but it would be fun to constantly ask him the same question for the next week to watch how he and the Republican Party will change the narrative with another outrageous policy announcement.
Let the Republicans kill their party. As far as I’m concerned, it is already done, but too many people in this country like to vote against their interests because they are uninformed. Time for them to feel the pain. I don’t expect it will change many votes for 2024, but we don’t need many. How sad a situation. But here we are.
My resume is not so fluffy…