House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Tuesday came out against the January 6 commission proposed last week by a bipartisan team.
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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Tuesday came out against the January 6 commission proposed last week by a bipartisan team.
And here’s the reply link for the slow pokes!
McCarthy is and will always be a dickhead.
Dude doesn’t have the spine God gave a fucking jellyfish.
“”"“He gave a laundry list of reasons why he opposes it”""
That did not include he doesn’t want anything found and the commission will be looking.
What qualities as a “leader” does McCarthy have?
I am surprised it took him so long, he will be among the first one to testify under oath, and the Golden Monkey of Mar-a-Lago will start hurling insults his way, and Kevin will start receiving all kind of threats.
He was against it before he was for it before he was against it. Somewhere in that timeline the fearless minority leader got a phone call from Merde-a-Lardo.
Poor bugger…and he deserves every iota of misery he’s getting. Of course, the impulse is to just give in to the crazy…which poor Qev did/is doing/will do.
But nobody forced McCarthy into the United States House of Representatives.
Completely agreed. In another thread, someone said something to the effect that McC. isn’t particularly bright. I disagreed with that. I think he’s quite intelligent but one of the MOST subservient and spineless, cowards I’ve witnessed in a while. I honestly believe that this whole debacle will end badly for him.
McCarthy has fever dreams every night of being called to testify under oath about his phone call with Trump the day of the capitol riot. He doesn’t have the brains, the heart or the courage to do the job he is supposed to be doing. His “leadership” consists of one back pedal after another.
I believe this is what is referred to as the “bait and switch.” Sorry, Qevin, we’re not buying what you’re selling. And he has every reason in the world to oppose this; he was right in the middle of the insurrection.
It ought to be repeated on a daily basis. McCarthy is siding with the insurrectionists. He’s no different than someone in congress opposing the 9/11 commission, which in 2001-2002 was no one.
So he’s against it because it would interfere with ongoing prosecutions re: 1/6, but he is also against it because it’s not broad enough?
OT: where is dimbulb Devin lately, he has been very quiet. Did his cow lock him in the barn?
It’s very hard to be consistent when you’re dumb.
If he has to testify UNDER OATH to the Commission, Trump (and McCarthy’s position in the House) is TOAST.
He pleaded with Trump to send in the National Guard on Jan. 6th, and Trump laughed at him and replied: “Maybe they are more upset about the election than YOU ARE.” and refused to release the Guard.
Only after VP Pence directly asked for Guard support to the Pentagon were they released to come to the capital.
McCarthy does NOT want to have to say that under oath as it will be the death-knell for his position (and probably his seat in the House too as the Trumpists will definitely retaliate for it by Primarying him.)
Karma is a Bitch! ain’t it Mikey?
This is good. Every day their hypocrisy and cowardice is in the headlines, it’s a good day.
I’m guessing a call from Maro straightened him out.
A good twist of the knife here. Speaker Pelosi is so good at this:
Pelosi gave a withering response to McCarthy’s opposition Tuesday morning.
“I’m very pleased that we have a bipartisan bill to come to the floor and it’s disappointing but not surprising that the cowardice on the part of some on the Republican side not to want to find that truth,” she told reporters.