Mattis Roasts Trump By Invoking Bone Spurs, Meryl Streep

Nothing will dissuade his supporters. Their kind of stupidity/bigotry/hatred can only be out voted.


The mini schnauzers want in. They will bark the face off.


From your keyboard to FSMā€™s noodly appendage.


All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.


Yes! But he wonā€™t because he doesnā€™t want to rock his comfortable and lucrative boat. After implementing the Zero-Tolerance policy with John Kelly, he rejoined the board of General Dynamics, which profits from holding babies in cages. Fuck him and all the generals who betrayed us.


OK, but tell me what you really think.


My terrier mix is ready to bark at him till his eardrums bleed


My dogs have a sense of character that I have come to trust. Iā€™m pretty sure all dogs are naturally freaked out by Dotard. FSM knows what they would smell.

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Conservative Wapo writer/Trump critic Jennifer Rubin wrote she wishes Mattis were speaking more ā€œcandidlyā€ about his time in the WH and Trumpā€™s foreign policy decisionsā€¦

ā€œIf Mattis is willing to testify under oath, why is he not willing to speak candidly when not under oath?

So will Trumpā€™s moniker for Mattis as the overrated general propel him to speak candidly in public?


I think for Mattis it was a matter of choosing his battles.

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OT but canā€™t resist posting for all the dog/cat posters:


Iā€™d love to think thatā€™s true, but I really doubt it. Mattis will join the wealthy grifters who made bad policy and now profit from it. He may deign to give a few public speeches poking fun at trump, but he will not jeopardize his comfortable perch and current income stream, which depends on the administrationā€™s cruel anti-immigrant policies.

Heā€™s not on our side. I surmise that he really doesnā€™t give a shit about how trump is destroying democracy. Heā€™s rich and famous enough now that he can coast right past it as he is carried along on the grifter gravy train.


Yes. If Mattis starts here, fine. If this is where it ends, not.


Sadly, itā€™s the marines who like trump best out of all the military branches. I saw that somewhere recently, Iā€™ll try to find you a link.

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While refusing to do what would actually be helpful - talking about what went on in the criminal enterprise in the White House of which he was a part. Despite having been happy to trash Biden. His utterly pathetic excuse for the hypocrisy? He didnā€™t think Biden would run for president. Sure, Jim. Real profile in courage there.

Maybe we could stop normalizing and excusing this shit? This is why war criminals and other crooks like Bolton or Elliott Abrams keep getting recycled back into government and doing ever more harm. Mattis should be shamed until he actually steps up to help America through this crap, not lionized for a bit of useless, not particularly clever snark.


Mr Clem reporting for duty. He can break the skin with his bite. Also, his claws are intact (but not the rest of him).


Thatā€™s a beauty.

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And Mattis ended with, ā€œbe sure to tip your waiters and waitresses everybody! Iā€™m outta here!ā€

Unlike retired Admiral William McRaven, the guy who got Bin Laden and planned a few thousand anti-terrorist operations.


Thought it was the Air Force? Am I wrong (again)?


Please, donā€™t send it. It makes me sick that the Marines are so pro-trump. Sick but not surprised. They were, also, sickeningly anti Obama, too.

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