Mattis Roasts Trump By Invoking Bone Spurs, Meryl Streep

Adorable little fellow, he’s a keeper!

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I agree: it’s a crack in the wall.

And you know that Spankee is going to flame off some dumbass insulting tweet, belittling Mattis, his abilities, his background, his leadership…

We may find out soon where the point is that Mattis wakes up to the fact that, while he may still feel allegiance to the office he really does not have allegiance to the vile excrescence which is currently befouling the Oval Office. And at that point he will begin to bite back.


Burd Dawg hound will point him out. AARROOOO!


Australian Cattle Dogs are said to have a bite like a crocodile.

I’ll send Lizzy over to do her patriotic duty.


Have no idea what Mattis plans … but would guess that he thinks strategically … wants to achieve maximum impact … is unwilling to be part of the preliminary skirmishes and diversions … if he is going to play a role …he will want it to be more at the deciding moment … he will want to be a part of taking “the kill shot”… it could simply be ego … or that he figures his contribution would have critical impact then …but would be too easily diffused now.


Keeshond signing up. The Flat-Coat will need reminding that that prized soft mouth is not what’s needed here.


I think he’s reticent to come out publicly because his statements would merely have the impact of destabilizing the country and our standing even more.

If, for example, he made a speech decrying Trump’s abhorrent behavior regarding Syria, that would create a swell of people chiming in supporting him, and have the effect of starting to create that most dangerous of things, a perception of a shadow government, where people would be picking sides between Mattis and Trump.

Countries have collapsed over those situations, I think Mattis is right to be treading very carefully.


Any mockery of Trump is better than none. But Mattis wants it both ways. He was craven before Trump, but not as pathetic as McMaster – or Tommy Franks was with Bush. Perhaps he can joke about his own support for Operation Faithful Patriot down at the border last fall, about how he not only acquiesced in using the troops for political purposes but vocally supported this disgrace.


You know, I understand that completely. Under more normal circumstances I would applaud that. That’s why Obama didn’t go public about the Russian interference in the election. (Of course, look where that got us…)

But it’s very hard for me to imagine any sane person at this particular point in time thinking that telling the truth about Spankee will “destabilize the country and our standing” more than Spankee is doing on his own…

I mean, all the la-di-da about QTip and the “pause” (oh, 'scuse me, ceasefire) to let the Kurds out and Erdogan stuck to that, what, 15 mins??(He was probablyalready giving the orders as QTip was being shown the door…) And we’re going to continue to let him drive this country into pouring more oil on the fire by sending troops to Saudi Arabia and who knows what else??!

All in the name of his f**king hotels…




One hopes for more substantive pushback from a person with Mattis’ stature and perhaps it’s coming, and perhaps it’s already come, behind the scenes, but given how psychotically thin-skinned Trump is, this is pretty good. What most people would view as relatively mild if grating ribbing, Trump will likely have a meltdown over. No doubt the tweetstorm’s coming, and it’s be a beauty.

If Jesus, Washington and Lincoln insulted Trump in public, he’d go after them.

“If he was so great, why did he let himself get caught and crucified?”

“What kind of great man has wooden teeth and loses New York to the British?”

“Took him 4 years to win the Civil War. I would have done it in 2 weeks!”

Of course, this presumes that he’d know any of this, which is a stretch.


If, for example, he made a speech decrying Trump’s abhorrent behavior regarding Syria, that would create a swell of people chiming in supporting him, and have the effect of starting to create that most dangerous of things, a perception of a shadow government, where people would be picking sides between Mattis and Trump.

That sounds like a pretty good solution to what’s going on now. Would the number of shadow governments confuse the public too much, they wouldn’t know which shadow government to go with?


I’d like to pretend you took the words out of my mouth.


“The only difference between a Mad Dog and me is that I’m not mad.”

  • Salvador Doglí

Ranger also isn’t mad, but he is angry. He’s often heard pontificating that “If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.”


A question that, to best of my knowledge, has yet to be asked. Back in the day, during the campaign, there was a brief effort to confirm with the doctor who wrote Trump’s excuse note, that he did have bone spurs. Unfortunately, I believe, that doctor has died. Journalists did however track down his daughter who had a vague memory of Trump being a patient but little else. A dead end. However, bone spurs don’t ‘go away’ on their own. They are painful and persistent.and they ultimately require surgery. And not outpatient surgery. So my question is where are the hospital records of that surgery?


What a beauty!


I dunno. It’s a fine line. And particularly someone like him, who still commands a lot of loyalty from the Military. Heck, if he declared a coup, he’d probably get 90% of the Marines running to join him five minutes later.


I know what you mean.

On the other hand, desperate times need desperate measures?

I swear Spankee is pushing us to WWIII just because his feefees are hurt and he is being held accountable. 'Cause he thinks that’ll make him a “war president” and he gets some sort of Red Badge of Courage (which he believes is a fancy pin).

Guess I am going to have to make multiple copies of my voodoo dolls and start doing more than just poking needles in them. Got some lighter fluid around here somewhere… Maybe throw one in the blender?


While it would be lovely if Mattis got up and raged about what an incompetent asshole Trump is, the opportunity to do that is not the annual Al Smith Dinner.

It’s famous for its collegiality and the roasting of prominent politicians.

Given that Trump has no sense of humor and cannot bear being the butt of a joke, Mattis’ words were more hurtful to the Orange Menace than a full-throated denunciation would have been.

I have no doubt that Mattis will speak out more forcefully, and in the not-too-distant future. But it is silly to excoriate him for not doing it at that particular event.
And when he does speak out, it will be on his terms, in the manner in which he was trained, and it will be devastating to Trump.

Remember, patience is a virtue—and not an easy one to maintain.


Someone has to put him behind bars before it’s too late. Let it be the Marines.


The perception of a shallow government was achieved in Trump’s first 100 days.
The reality of a shadow, crooked government is where we are now.

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