Manchin’s Proposed Changes To The John Lewis Voting Rights Act Would Gut The Bill

Sausage-making is a slow and ponderous process.

Better to not watch it being done—and just enjoy the flavor when it’s finished.


What an asshole this guy is: a complete asshole. Shades of the Dixiecrats in the 1950s and early 60s.

IF the Dems gain more complete control of the Senate in 2022, this POS should be banished to legislative Siberia. Really, Fuck this Guy.

It’s interesting, however, that McConnell has already rejected what this turncoat has proposed.


I don’t want sausage! I want my voting rights!!!

And a hyperloop to Paris!!!


Elizabethan English. King James, to be precise.



This is the exact argument that Democratic Catholics are using against the attempt by American Catholic Bishops to deny communion to Dems who support women rights to choose abortion. They didn’t give a rats ass about adulterous lying bastards like Gingrich(the dotard even appointed his third wife to be ambassador to the Vatican) who support the death penalty, separating very young children from their families and locking them in cages or being blatant racists but they do care about Dems “sins” enough to deny them communion. This in spite of the warning from the Vatican to not go there.



My heavily vaccinated county most recently is down to a trickle of daily new cases and we haven’t had a death in nearly two weeks. One fascinating thing is that the least populous counties in Pennsylvania, the ones up along the New York border, tended to have the lowest number of cases. That least-populous assertion is something I’m surmising, without looking up the actual densities, but it’s pretty wild up there still. You can drive a half-hour and not see a place where you could spend money. So if 40 percent of Dallas County is vaccinated, it’s like 40 percent of the population isn’t there as far as the virus is concerned. Lot less opportunity to spread.

ETA went and looked and the lowest-infected counties do tend to be among the least populous. So just intuitively it seems like it’s a factor.


I took it to mean a one-word plan: gerrymandering. Hard to imagine what else he could be talking about.


Our map is already so gerrymandered I don’t know what they could do to make it worse.


At least he is talking policy issues and not bi-partisan politics which, in the 21st Century is useless, since the GOP never deals in good faith and are hellbent on neutering our democracy.

The preclearance criteria should be clear cut and adjudicated by the US AG. 95% of the time the Courts get involved to do something proactive in the area of Civil Rights or Voting Rights, they fuck it all up. Keep them the hell out of it. The best way to do that is to put the top ten most egregious abuses the GOP has pursued over the past thirty years in the Bill itself with language that says if they try this, the US AG and the DoJ can simply walk in and tell them no.

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You are so right. Hate, fear, grievance, and disinformation are the tools of their trade. I took a look at the Champ story on the Fox News website. Most of the commenters could not leave the Hate out of it.


Somewhat OT but have you heard any excuse from Sinema as to why she didn’t accept the invitation to dinner for all Democratic female Senators extended by VP Kamala Harris? She was the only no show of the group to a dinner party that I bet was very entertaining and delicious.


Sure, one doesn’t have to be a racist to not give a crap about ending racism, but when someone doesn’t give a crap about ending racism, it’s highly likely that he’s a racist. Now, add that the someone in question who doesn’t give a crap is an old white guy from WV, and, unless you stab yourself in the eye, it’s clear the lack of interest in ending racism is because he’s a racist. The fact that he’s a racist hiding in a Democratic closet does not obscure his motives; it just makes him more loathsome and reprehensible.


I think Stacey did a nice job of reframing Manchin’s bipartisan take on things. She blew away the right wing voter ID trope and elicited a “not over my dead turtle shell” reaction out of Mitch. Win, win. Hello. Earth to Manchin. Joe, are you listening?


Well, they cheat very strenuously and with the changing demographics I’m sure they can find at least a few tweaks to make.


The sad truth is telling the wrong person that Jesus was likely from Ethiopia and therefore black, in many parts of this country, will get you hung from a tree.

Given the persecution African-Americans have suffered at the hands of white people, for centuries, makes you wonder if THEY are really the Chosen People and that we caucasians will eventually have to explain to St. Peter that we didn’t really mean it when we used a racial slur or treated them poorly. I cannot, in good consciuous, forgive a lot of the people I grew up with for the bigotted narrow-minded attitudes too many caucasians still have to this.


Thanks – I think there’s widespread agreement that reforming tortes is to be left up to the bakers.
I’ll make the change.


And “they” don’t get it either. Know of someone who said they wouldn’t get the vaccine because you just don’t know the long term effects it has on your body. When the doctor explained the long term effects of the virus and stated that if they continued to say they wouldn’t vaccinate the doctor told them to look for a new doc. This after knowing personally people who had died, or been in a coma for several weeks and others “recovering”. It’s like there’s this barrier in their brain that blocks all common sense.


Just to note that a deliberately naive apologist (DNA) is not well-meaning, though most certainly poses as such, which is the DNA’s whole point – i.e., to get away with it, i.e., with being an asshole (which is what being deliberately naive is).