Manchin Puts Forward His Compromise Proposal For Voting Rights Bills | Talking Points Memo

Sen. Manchin has been thinking about this in terms of getting the Democrats to do what he wants. He has assumed good faith on the part of the Republicans – that they will vote for things that they tell him they want. He has not been met with a good faith response from the GOP. He needs to realize that he has the power to make the Republicans behave. He just needs to tell them that they need to start voting for the things they tell him they want or he will start weakening the filibuster. This sounds as though he may be beginning to toughen up on the GOP.


Maybe we don’t get every single thing we want here, but if it puts the right in their place, then I’ll take it.

Put the right in their place? Really? One fucking DINO is holding up the future - for all Americans - and McConnell and the Koch Bro’s are laughing out loud. You should step back and see hat we’re up against.

So let’s learn from that and take 80% of what we want, and chip away at the rest over the coming years

Would love to (80% of what we want). Take it every day. Show me how. Do you know something nobody else knows?

His literal job according to his donors is to make sure Dems do nothing and preserve the filibuster at all costs. Tried to trade a 1/6 commission for blocking Biden’s agenda. Then couldn’t even get the commission. Oh, and he recommended they bribe Roy Blount.

P.S., we’re all ‘far left’ for wanting to get rid of the filibuster and noticing that Republicans won’t negotiate on anything.


Because that’s how shit actually gets done in a democracy.

EX-FUCKING-ACTLY. Get as much as you can, then go back for more. Don’t stand there with your dick in your hand whining that it’s all or nothing…you can keep your dick, and that’s it.

Did the two of you forget about the part where ten Republican “yes” votes will be required? All you have is Murkowski as a “maybe”. McConnell is in complete control.


The point is, holding out for everything is a losing strategy. Always has been. As Jeff Daniels character in Newsroom said, “If Democrats are so smart how come they lose so goddamned always?” Spot on. Being a purity whore and demanding that everything be perfect is a recipe for failure, one that the Democrats have perfected into an art form.

I’d rather take a bill that fixes the major systemic problems, puts the fucking Republican Reich on a goddamned leash, and then we can go back and add to that success later. Because as it stands we’re walking around in the rain with our dicks in our hand and calling it an umbrella.

The point is, holding out for everything is a losing strategy.

Who’s holding out for “everything”? Biden’s been involved in political negotiations his entire adult life.

You’re delusional. I’ll leave it at that.

They are also more likely to be snowbirds & not in-state at time of voting.

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I meant to say “the absence of cloture” when I said “cloture”. I meant it as shorthand. I am not sure why there is such a Kabuki dance about this whole thing. 40 people should NOT be able to prevent the public from knowing whether their Senator is for or against any particular bill.

Allowing the filibuster to stand so the minority does NOT have to vote on an issue that is popular with the public because it threatens their party or their office, is ultimately an act of cowardice. The filibuster is a cop-out by those who do not support majority rule and is therefore fundamentally AUTOCRATIC. The Democrats who support termination of this archaic parliamentary procedure should NOT be afraid to call it what it is. It is fundamentally anti-democratic and Un-American.

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I, for one, will donate to Manchin’s GOP opponent instead of him. At least we’ll know where the fuck they’re coming from. Joe is a hopeless case.

LBJ (on being told this wasn’t the right time to press for civil rights): “Then what the Hell’s the Presidency for?”

I’ve heard that Moskovsii Mitch has read LBJ’s bio, and thought, “Master of the Senate, yeah, that could be me.”

I’m pretty sure that Biden knows LBJ’s bio, too. But I think his thoughts are more “fuck you, Mitch.”

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This is much better news than Manchin’s blanket refusal stated in his editorial, although it depends, of course, on what happens when the GOP opposes the bill – and what the heck is going on in Krysten Sinema’s bizarre head. I had thought Manchin was completely opposed to anything in SR1 – the fact that he supports a bill that bans partisan gerrymandering, makes Election Day a holiday (a liberal pipe dream 5 years ago), supports mandated early in person voting and, my God – automatic voter registrationwith, apparently, some campaign finance – someone’s gotten through to him.

There are two main questions: Does Sinema support all of this as well? And are the two of them, plus the “quiet moderates,” willing to tweak the filibuster to get an up-or-down vote?

I can’t speak for anyone else here, but I was sure the bill was completely dead in the water. The fact that Manchin supports as much as he does – and feels comfortable saying so publicly – is extremely heartening. Now we gotta call our own Senators (he said, having been very remiss in pressuring the addled Dianne Feinstein.)



I’d just like Manchin to tell the GOP Senators, “I need ten votes for this, or I blow up the filibuster. Go get ten votes NOW.”


Is that the problem? I thought his structure needed some infra. But, what do I know?

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i have absentee voted once, and that was when the pandemic was rampant.[Florida] the one thing i have issues with is voter registration…i show my ID everytime i go to the polls, people have 4 years between elections… i don’t see any reasons why they can’t get registered…this 'registered] on voting day is rediculous…how can an address be verified???

Evidently, you didn’t actually read my post.

Fine rhetorical point about whether someone elected vice president is elected or reelected president if he or she succeeds.

Very clear Johnson wouldn’t have survived a second full term, though. Barely made it five years even without the stress.

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Did read it and think I got it right and agree with much of what you say. Compromise is the answer to the continuation of a civil society (and critical to us all as a species).

But ‘changes’ Republicans want to make have nothing to do with compromise. The final legislation won’t be worth the paper it’s written on by the time they’re finished getting the nod from McConnell and the rest of their party.

They have no intention in dealing in “good faith”, the starting point to compromise. That’s the issue.


It all hinged on his re-election. This ain’t '64.

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I was talking about progressive activists who cannot play the long game. Getting rid of partisan gerrymandering alone will screw the Republicans for a century…then we can take te rest piece by piece. Why is this conceot so difficult for some people?

Next you’re going to tell me that poll lines will get shorter, too.

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