What do anti-vaxxers, sovereign citizens, Second Amendment die-hards and online edgelords obsessed with “Zionist Banksters” have in common?
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1338760
What do anti-vaxxers, sovereign citizens, Second Amendment die-hards and online edgelords obsessed with “Zionist Banksters” have in common?
“There’s criminals that are black, there’s criminals that are white, there’s criminals that are police officers, there’s criminals that are Jewish, there’s criminals that are reporters,” Bundy told TPM. “People’s Rights would stay against all of them.”
And there are criminals that are dipshit fake cowboy double-digit IQ dotards that take over the people’s public spaces with automatic firearms and claim “freedumb!!!”
A collection of losers and dumb asses that couldn’t power a 5 watt bulb with their combined IQ.
I had to phone in just to see what the hub-bub was all about.
Those jurors that let this turd Bundy walk ought tp be flayed alive.
And who defines what “the right thing” is? That’s a key component…of course, we all know the answer to that, it’s these insane right wingers who declare that women should be subservient to man and whites are better than everyone else, and who think they need to use violence to put everyone else in line.
These growing networks of right wing groups, who have shown a willingness to use intimidation and violence to get their way, are going to be a worry going forward. We’ve already seen one group plan to kidnap (and, let’s be clear, assassinate) a state governor, so there isn’t really anything they won’t be willing to do to achieve their goals. The question remains what fraction are just going to be angry protestors and what fraction will use violence…though I have a feeling we will start to learn the answer to that after Biden wins the election.
“The FRAUD and DECEPTION of the Satanic Zionist Jesuit Freemason scum.”
The last time I looked, the Jesuits were a Catholic order.
So, someone besides lib’ruls is attacking people for their Christian faith, eh?
Hard to believe, after the way the Demonrats went after ACB for being a papist.
0.01% of the American people are members if we use Ammon’s 37K figure. This puts it at about 1/27th the size of the ASPCA. There are more McDonald’s restaurants than members of Ammon’s club. There are 4 times more Llamas in the USA than members. About 400 times more people identify as Satanists than followers of Ammon. I could go on.
The guy’s an attention seeking loser. Can we leave it at that?
Seems to me that all of them have earned being dealt with by a Second Amendment solution.
Nice. The Army of Angry Assholes has a rapid strike force. What could go wrong?
“What do anti-vaxxers, sovereign citizens, Second Amendment die-hards and online edgelords obsessed with ‘Zionist Banksters’ have in common?”
Tertiary syphilis?
Aw. And just think, one of us sons will grow up to be Rand Paul Part Two.
This is the modern GOP. Grifters picking over the dead corpse of the Republican party. We stay involved, we keep voting in every election, we support our leaders and let nature take care of the losers.
Sigh. Fucking idiots addicted to victimhood.
Dog groomers, by the way, can be considered critical. Some people are allergic to dogs. Dog hair is an ingredient in allergy medication for people allergic to dogs (pun writes itself). Medicine is critical. There are several companies, right in the heart of the inland northwest that purchase dog hair for this purpose. Just saying…
I have a good friend who defended one of them. His take is different, and I agree with him. It was purely a DOJ screw up.
I wish conservative Catholics would realize that their right-wing evangelical bedfellows are not their friends. They don’t believe Catholics are Christians, and half of them believe the pope is the antichrist, especially now that the pope is a (gasp) Jesuit!
I don’t know if anyone saw the recent story about how Bundy shutdown a high school football game by refusing to wear a mask, and he got dressed down by an angry mom (no, not an angry mob). THAT seemed to have more of an effect on him–he was a bit tongue-tied as she lambasted him. This guy is an attention hog who has a god complex. But that doesn’t means he’s NOT dangerous. The Wildlife Refuge standoff was a key event for these nuts. And they got away with it.
Conservative Catholics don’t believe Jesuits (as they exist today) are Roman Catholic or that Francis is Pope.
Really? But they kept giving them more and more rope for the sake of getting their slam dunk case…