Major Michigan Corporations Warn Against New Restrictive Voting Bills In State | Talking Points Memo

Chief executives from top Michigan-based corporations preemptively pushed back on a package of proposed changes to election law that will likely restrict voting access in Michigan and are set to be considered by the GOP-led state Senate this week.

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Republicans across the this land are trying their sleight of hand in new voter laws that by adding a day to early voting negates all the other stuff. It’s just as much bullshit as when someob=ne tried to compare the number of drop boxes in Delaware to the new number of drop boxes in Georgia.


How much money will these corporations withhold from the GOP?


I hope they continue to piss off donors


Delaware IS a drrop box


It’s just that some asshole tried to claim that because Delaware only had 4-5 drop boxes in the whole state that Georgia had more. Which technically correct, but it doesn’t take into account that Delaware has 3 counties and the state is less than 3000 square miles. While Georgia has 150+ counties and is about 70,000 square miles. Size does matter when one is talking about distance.


It’s sad when we have to look to car companies and sports associations to save the country from the ravages of a party bent only on making the United States as backward as Russia.


$0 withheld, of course

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In all fairness, the MI bill also earmarks 10 million gallons of municipal water to GA voters waiting in line.


I’ll be more impressed by this hot air balloon race if Election Day were a company-wide paid holiday at even one of these storied firms.


It depends on the corporations (ex: Koch Brothers)


Now that some corporations are exhibiting some sense of public responsibility and ethics, when will their lobbyists in Washington do similar bidding in person with the “affected” politicians? That needs to be done so that their statements are not mere window dressing.


Kemp claimed that the new Georgia law was the same as Colorado.

In the 2020 election Colorado had 368 drop boxes statewide, one drop box for approximately every 9,400 active registered voters. In addition to drop boxes, Colorado had approximately 330 voting centers open, with many opening 15 days before Election Day per Colorado state law.

The Republicans in the state legislature tried to “improve” our election laws, but we control both chambers in the legislature and the governor’s mansion.


In the hopes the cognitive deficits induced by Pb will make them vote Republican.

Well, when it comes to municipal water, they lead the way.


This is good to see. It’s shouldn’t be left to only already-elected Democrats to try and stop these voter suppression bills, we need local communities, corporations, charities, churches, etc., all to push back. It’s nice to see the corporate orgs pushing early.

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If the GOP starts down that road, citizen groups can immediately launch a veto referendum repealing that law, leaving it to be settled by voters in the next election rather than by the State GOP

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I knew that there was another state they were picking on. I just couldn’t remember CO.
I think the guy I schooled had to be a foreigner. Even though I haven’t spent time on the East Coast I do know that Georgia is bigger than Rhode Island.


How is that not a privacy violation?

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With all the headlines about a tax collector in Florida using not-yet shredded IDs to make himself fake IDs for nefarious purposes, it really doesn’t play well to ask voters to send in copies of their IDs to any government office.