When the leaders of a review of Arizona’s election were trying to convince a judge not to halt their sketchy audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 results, they claimed they’d be perfectly happy to find that nothing was amiss in the tally.
One of the “auditors” is a guy named Kern, a former state legislator who was found to have stolen a laptop AND who participated in the Jan. 6 insurrection.
I’ve never understood the game plan. “Oh sure, nobody will mind if our losing candidate tries to overthrow the government” seems like they haven’t really thought this through. The only plausible theory is that they are grifting the heck out of their rubes, but that seems shortsighted too. If you can’t hold the con, marks are going to come looking for you.
I believe it’s called the “not in my state will you do this” principle.
Republican stormtroopers cannot march into every state that didn’t vote for Trump and think that they can undue the vote of the people without major anger and feelings of betrayal by the voters there, as well as state pride taking root against the GOP.
The “privately financed” GOP recounts might be the ultimate wet dream of every white supremacist male, but if actually tried in practice across the country, it could result in a major insurrection within their own state Republican parties. “Don’t come into my state and tell me how to count the votes.”
It’s truly amazing how Republicans are setting themselves up for universal backlash in this way.
The only thing this charade of an audit and all the rest of the GQP’s activities are paving the way to is an outright civil war. They are assuring that there will be 40% or so of this country that is never satisfied with not having permanent, unassailable control despite being a minority of the population and they are doing everything in their still-considerable power to brainwash them into believing that all-out violence will be necessary and justified in pursuit of that end.
The game plan is to assuage Trump’s wounded psyche by giving him a fig leaf to cover the big “L” that Joe Biden tattooed on Trump’s forehead. That’s all any of this is.
I used to love watching the Cowboys in the 1960s under Landry.
When they ran a play, the front line all rose up in unison…before the final set before the snap. People doing things together see that as an attraction.
For the GOP, it is a fanatical obsession far more than Tom’s clever offensive scheming.