MAGA Resurrects Most Vile Non-Citizen Voting Hysteria As It Flails In Attacking Harris

And Elon Musk took to X on Monday to perpetuate the same conspiracy theories, claiming that the “Biden-Harris Administration is importing vast numbers of voters.”

Seems the only one importing migrants is Gregg Abbot.

In two years, Texas has bused more than 119,000 people to Democrat-led cities, shifting both migration patterns and the debate over immigration. The list of cities keeps expanding.

And sending them to Blue cities. Which if they were to vote illegally which they don’t, seems counter productive. Lets send masses of people to places we do not like and see as adversaries and lose control of them at that point. Something seems off.


If the MAGAs know for certain that hordes of non citizens are here waiting to vote for Democrats in November, they must know where they are lurking. If they are withholding information about their whereabouts from the authorities, they are also responsible for the results, ergo, they must want Trump to lose. They must be made to disclose what they know.


So where exactly are all of these imported voters staying? Presumably Democrats would want these voters in swing states. So where exactly are they being housed in those states? And are they training them to vote? Democrats wouldn’t want them to vote for the wrong candidates. This just doesn’t sound plausible at all. In fact it is downright weird.


Trump’s “in four years…you won’t have to vote” is already sort of old news. He’s saying crazy shit at an increasing pace. But I just noticed this bit about the NYT’s coverage of, sorry, I mean their failure to cover, that remark.

Here’s the Times’s first headline on the speech where Trump said “you won’t have to vote.”

Sure, they don’t mention Trump saying I’ll get rid of elections. But what I hadn’t noticed: Trump calling Harris a “bum” is a “honed” attack? That’s very funny! What’s his “un-honed” attack? Pooh-pooh head is kind of sophisticated. Seriously, what’s less honed than “bum”?


Don’t think so


All of those black cats are sure to bring bad luck to somebody.


Did a search. The movie was “Tales of Terror”.


So are Sleestaks.


There’s only one group Rethugliklans hate more than phantom illegal-alien voters and that’s legal citizen’s voting, especially if they’re not the “right” color.


Thanks, I believe B,B & C was in color


“Republican state lawmakers have consistently clung to this debunked narrative” just call it what is, a vile lie.


I’m in California with another 20-30 million voters and since 1986 I’ve never had to wait longer than about 20 minutes and now we have no excuse required vote by mail. It’s a choice by the gop to make people wait in line the rat bastards.


Only time I have seen the movie was on a black and white set. So, didn’t know that.

I did act as stage manager for a Dinner Theater production of it though for a run. But the actors were all in color, looked realistic too with flesh tones and eye color and such.

Pyewacket in that was gray however. Went home with one of the actors every night of the production and permanently after.


Immigrants who have lots of kids get more votes, if I’m understanding JD Vindsock correctly.

Dumb crackers in the Midwest screaming about the “open border” while immigrant kids are on swing shift in the packing plant in their town—those are the ones I love most.


They look just like people, only with red hats!


I am sure there are a lot of idiots who believe anything Trump tells them. We have to point out that an allegation that serious demands real evidence. Where’s the proof?

I would point out to you that I am now claiming to be a childless cat lady so JD Vance and the incel idiots will stay away from me. For the record,I am not childless, I don’t own a cat and I am not a lady.

I think the childless cat lady meme should be embraced by Democrats everywhere.



Things are getting interesting.

Take the link for the video. Senator Kennedy was not having a good day.


Holy shit! Our problem is not non-citizen voting, it’s citizen voting. Especially many MAGGot voters, who don’t have the brain power necessary to light a 40w bulb! Since I feel our democracy is in the crapper anyway, I’d rather have a center-left authoritarian system than a wacko right wing one. We need to eliminate politically the right in this country and rewrite the Constitution to create a Nordic-type Democratic Socialist society that offers equal opportunity (not equal results) to all with the strongest social possible safety net that can be imagined. Couple that with say, 50 years of strong America First economy policies, and we can become a nation for the ages!

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It also can’t be proven. Just ask for evidence and laugh when they can’t provide it.


Looked like Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart?