Originally published at: MAGA, MAHA, And Lots Of Crypto: Which Trump Inaugural Ball Is Right For You? - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Whether you’re a wealthy Trump fan seeking to celebrate your big guy’s return to power this week, a cryptocurrency enthusiast, a vaccine skeptic, a hyper-online nihilist or a simple country lobbyist, you have a lot of options in D.C. this weekend. You can attend the MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) Ball. There’s the Crypto Ball.…
Extra fee required if you want to be inaugural balling with the first lady.
I think the most important “BALL” of all is the one Vladimir Putin is hosting in Moscow.
“We’re celebrating a new era for America and the rest of the world,” Medina added. “I believe the biggest fraud in the world is the U.S. dollar, and we need to go to the digital asset space in the 21st century for real,” he said, speaking to the ball’s crypto branding.
If crypto isn’t your thing, perhaps you’d rather make inroads with RFK Jr. and his booth at the MAGA carnival, championing homeopathic cures and warning of the dangers of various vaccines.
For that, there’s the MAHA Inaugural Ball, in honor of the “Make America Healthy Again” branding that Kennedy has adopted and that has come to describe the granola-munching right. In addition to RFK Jr., Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services nominee Dr. Oz is expected to attend, along with Del Bigtree, an anti-vaccine activist and leader of MAHA Action, the nonprofit putting the event on.
When all your events are organized by crazies and conmen…
Being reported in DC that the inauguration is being moved indoors. So sad.
Make America Hate Again.
Sounds like a bunch of meatballs to me. Think I’ll hold out for the Rollerball; figure that’s coming soon at the rate things are going.
there’s even a separate MAGA MAHA Crypto Inaugural Ball.
now there’s a tacky mashup that I want no part of
aww who am I kidding - I’d pay to be able to do color commentary on the red carpet
Don’t forget the MARA (Make America Racist Again) ball, the MAIA (Make America Ignorant Again) ball and the MAT (Make America Trumptonia) ball. Should be a grand time for the racists, the ignoramuses, and those who believe Trump should be emperor for life.
Don’t know what the rest of you folks are doing, but I turned all these invits down.
I wonder which ONE Melania will go to?
Grifters, whores, fascists and morons.
Sounds like a fun time.
Is there an Aging Escorts Ball?
DC hotels 70% booked, which is kind of low for an inauguration.
Probably all the important people are staying at one of the Felon’s properties, maybe in Jersey, so they can get ahead of the game on the payola front.
Melanomia always looks so happy in TMFs company.
MACA (Make America Crippled Again).
MASA (Make America Sick Again)
MADA (Make America Dead Again)
Made America Hate Again
So basically we’re now in dystopian hell, with the Intuit IRS Director’s Ball and the American Airlines Transportation Ball. Great, just what we need. More pinhead corporate douchebags.
Personally, I think Monday, January 20th should be declared a national day of mourning. After all, something is dying that day.