Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), one of President Donald Trump’s staunchest and most vocal allies, will announce a challenge to appointed Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) in upcoming days.
I rarely have the slightest morsel of sympathy for Republican Senators, but I imagine the notion of Collins joining your caucus makes some of them physically ill.
Collins could give a dog’s ass heartburn, as we used to say.
I wanted to make fun of these two morons running a full-speed race to the bottom that is likely to lose them the race altogether. Then I looked at the slate of declared and potential Dem candidates, and I despaired. One of them is literally the spawn of Joe Lieberman.
Sherry Boston, the district attorney of DeKalb County;
Jen Jordan, a state senator who was vocal opposing the new abortion “heartbeat” law now tied up in court;
Ed Tarver, a former US Attorney from Augusta, former state senator and US Army captain;
Raphael Warnock, the politically active pastor at Atlanta’s landmark Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Under Georgia law, special elections for U.S. Senate seats are non-partisan “jungle” affairs – meaning that all candidates in the contest, Democrat and Republican, would be on that ballot. If no one wins a majority, the top two contenders – again, regardless of party – move to a Jan. 5, 2021 runoff.
A bill has cleared committee in the GA lege to do away with this kind of primary.