It is hard to believe that his behavior began once he become a federal judge. He was abusive to more than one law clerk. Another Fed Soc choice no doubt.
“We conclude that Judge Kindred’s misconduct was pervasive and abusive, constituted sexual harassment, and fostered a hostile work environment that took a personal and professional toll on multiple clerks,” the report read.
I bet he worked many more than 20 hours per week, esp. since this district is already short of judges. The heavy workload may be one reason the job didn’t seem to him attractive enough to do the minimum to hold onto it.
Leonard Leo recommended him. They had a whole big-ass list they’d been prepping for years for filling all the judicial seats Republicans had held oped through literally decades of sabotage and general nihilism by McConnell and his predecessors. Qualifications, experience, judicial temperament, reputation, intellect were treated as being evidence of a RINO sellout.
And while the memory of the many times Leo nominees were exposed–often under soft-ball questioning by Republicans–as totally unqualified, deeply ignorant, stupid, crackpots, and/or open extremists to the point that a couple of them even withdrew–weirdos, dumbasses, crooks, hacks, and zealots were all they were looking for in terms of type and the only thing that got one off that list was aging off of it, because they wanted to make sure they’d sit for decades, not years.
This dude is Trump’s kind of guy. He’ll be Trump’s second Supreme Court pick; the first going to the corrupt partisan hack Aileen Cannon, who is doing his bidding on the stolen documents case.
Alaska was made a hellhole for its people for generations because of Right Wing shills, judges, overseers and thieves. The history is shot through with it.
All these church-pimping shites need to get the fuck out of our politics. These backwoods POSs are long overrepresented, particularly because their states FAIL every year and have done for over a hundred.
Of course he knew his behavior was inappropriate. And if he only works 20 hours a week, he isn’t fit to be a judge. A (female) judge whom I worked for thought nothing of working 9 hours a day.
Have none of these men been aware of women’s lib? I taught my son well. He would never disrespect women in a work environment or any other environment.
“Immediately after arriving at the apartment Kindred went to one of the bedrooms and kept shouting to the clerk to “come to the bedroom … as he was lying on the bed,” the law clerk reported to investigators. He then asked the clerk to lie down with him, the report reads.”
I think she knows exactly what she’s doing, and she knows how to get away with it. Worthless as a judge, yes, but very useful to the guy who brought her to the dance.
I think we need to reframe this slightly, the sexuslation is a feature and the key word here is “kompromat”
Knowing these sleezbags are deep (I almost went there but had a moment of tactful restraint) is exactly what they are looking for in these vary young appointees and it’s the pathway to control.
The motor home wasn’t meant to be a SCOTUS bribe, it and any other donation or the like, was the means for later control.
I hope Biden has a left-leaning judicial pick up his sleeve. The state is already short of federal judges. This doesn’t help, but does provide some interesting reading while eating popcorn.
What about trump himself busted and convicted in civil court of sexual assault and then fined near a half billion dollars. Doesn"t that rate all by itself aside from his mountain of criminal charges and convictions as a reason to disqualify him from any elected office? Why is trump treated like he is pure as driven snow?