For a brief moment on Monday, the Pentagon acknowledged a letter saying U.S. forces would leave Iraq.
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For a brief moment on Monday, the Pentagon acknowledged a letter saying U.S. forces would leave Iraq.
He went on to explain that usually, the administration’s mistakes are dishonest, so he could see how this would confuse people…
Jesus F*&^, what in the actually HeLL. It might be easier just to let foreign powers run the government instead of using Drumpf as a stand in.
Just another day in the Trump maladministration - FUBAR
This letter getting leaked to the press was the “honest mistake”.
" to prepare for onward movement.”
translation: skedaddle
Someone needs to get nailed to the wall on this one. Of Course there would be multiple memos drafted to cover each possibility, ready to release as needed. That’s staffwork 101.
Whoever leaked this should be deep in a pile of shit.
I see a General announcing his retirement soon.
“We’re sorry. It’s all just so confusing these days! (sniff)”
I have seen reporting that it was, in fact, the Iraqis who leaked it. 24hr rule and all, but would it really shock you if we committed in secret to leaving, then dotard blew a gasket when Fox called him weak, or whatever?
We have government by dartboard - whatever hits first wins, but if the dart falls out, it’s taken back and on to the next round.
thought bubble (somewhat sarcastic)
“now I have to figure out what’s the difference between this possible withdrawal and the one that happened under SOFA.”
It was only intended for the Supreme Supreme Commander in Moscow…
This is the Trump era #pleasecontinue
At this rate, Liechtenstein could invade us, and get away with it.
It’s no big deal; some presidents fuck up wartime negotiations, and some Presidents wear tan suits.
As usual, the Python crew have it nailed (and BTW, now that the letter has been flagged as an “honest mistake”, should we figure out how to run this scene backwards?):
That’s probably already the case.
The General should have known his commander in chief wanted the opportunity to make a deal for who gets our military bases. So hold on to them until he does the deal.
Gee, if a vote of a caretaker government in Iraq, and an idiot president in DC can cause this much fucking confusion, what is going to happen if North Korea actually does something threatening?
Are you worried? I am, and I usually don’t let shit bother me.
Are there any adults left? Will someone step us and take charge? Please??