Let The Nepotism Begin (Continue)

Originally published at: Let The Nepotism Begin (Continue) - TPM – Talking Points Memo

While he may have irreparably embarrassed himself with his ill-fated run for president, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) might soon get a little consolation prize for clearing the way for Trump’s inevitable presidential nomination: the honor of choosing a new senator for the state of Florida should Trump actually follow through with formally picking Sen.…

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Is Lara Trump a legal resident of Florida? Apparently 2 years residency is required.


There was a period in Papal history called the Pornocracy. I guess with so many sexual predators in the government, starting at the top and following with the AG, I guess we will have to call it Strupratocracy (Rule by the rapists).


Among republicans inconvenient laws get ignored. It’s a feature, not a bug with them. They learned it as taught by their God Emperor trump.


Trump doesn’t just thrive on chaos, he loves it, and these cabinet picks only emphasize the point: Flooding the zone with shit doesn’t just befuddle his enemies and clear the field for ever larger grift, doesn’t only demonstrate manifest contempt for law either, it’s really tons of fun.


Lara Trump, as far as I have been able to see, has no qualifications for anything at all, and certainly not to be a Senator. Not that that’s much of an impediment in the GOP, as witness “Coach” Tuberville. They just want somebody with a finger to sit in a Senate Chamber chair and press “Aye” or “Nay” as directed.


The only residency requirement for a US senator is that they “inhabit” the state at the time of election. Or in this case, at the time she is chosen. So long as she has an address there, she’s fine.

No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. [U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3, clause 3]

“Every member of the Senate shall be . . . at the time of his election, a resident of the state from which he shall be chosen.”

Initial wording was “resident”,

On August 8, Roger Sherman moved to strike the word “resident” from the House version of the clause, and insert in its place “inhabitant,” a term he considered to be “less liable to misconstruction.” Madison seconded the motion, noting that “resident” might exclude people occasionally absent on public or private business. Delegates agreed to the term, “inhabitant,” and voted against adding a time period to the requirement. The following day, they amended the Senate qualification to include the word, “inhabitant,” prior to passing the clause by unanimous consent.


If such a requirement exists, it would not be for U.S. senators. Possibly for state offices, possibly also municipal offices in Florida? (Maybe also for reps to Congress?)

And this is one of my pet peeves over the newly re-elected Josh Hawley. At the time he first ran he supposedly was renting a house his sister owned. But he lives in a $2M house in the 'burbs of VA.


The fascist project, if you will, replaces governance with dominance and shadow play.

Thus Matt Gaetz’s promotion is meant to humiliate Rule of Law, Senators and Congress and set off a demeaning ruckus


“… a characteristic that may become more pronounced as he faces down his state’s term limits…”
He should appoint himself!

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Laws and rules are for little people, not the Trumps


There really is this feeling, or air of DonOLD trying to recreate Trump Org that manages the US. He wants to “hire” people that are loyal to him, have shown loyalty to him, and have proven themselves willing to tie themselves into illogical knots to stay in his good graces.


She’s a very talented singer. You should support her in her dream of being a professional singer. She hasn’t been able to properly focus on that with all this stupid political stuff. We should give her the time and space she needs to make it happen.


“Recreate the Trump organization” is a great way to describe it," I think. I mean, the whole point of Schedule F, which he’s said they plan to reinstate, is to replace every civil servant involved in policy making with a total Trump loyalist – and they have tens of thousands who’ve signed up to be considered as administration hires.

And then the hope is to have those loyalists either kill off the department, in the case of departments whose work they hate because they help people or regulate the rich powerful or protect the environment or some other liberal rot like that, or turn the department into an attack force against people and entities that Trump personally doesn’t like.

He envisions himself – and for some reason a whole lot of other people seem happy to also envision him – as the sole brain running the entire government exactly according to his wishes and no one else’s – certainly not incorporating of the many decades of “deliberation” by Congresses and courts and voters and previous presidents and civil servants past that actually conceived of built those departments and agencies and that Constitution fans pride ourselves on as at the heart of the American system.

That calls for getting rid of all those policy people in the agencies and departments and eventually appointing this bunch of robotic MAGA-type Eric-and-Don-Junior-typ sycophants that we’re seeing not just as department heads, as he’s doing now, but all through the executive branch. So that every move of the most powerful entity on earth will come solely from the malignant and utterly uninformed brain of Donald Trump.

Please excuse – and ignore!-- my long-winded blathers because I know that all of this is well known to everybody here, but I somehow need to blather it because I’m trying to get my mind around the fact that we still aren’t seeing this very real scenario (and any of the other horrible stuff) stated clearly, honestly, fully and repeatedly in the corporate media and by the many many many pundits who seem to be spending most of their time pointing to flaws that lost Democrats the election.

That’s the safe and easy route for them, I guess, but it’s these Trump plans – that they’ve been pretty upfront about – that are the pressing news right now, seems to me. After all, the Trump organization has mainly managed to drive numerous lame wholly-debt-fraud-and-grift-funded enterprises into the ground. So I’d think more brain power and communication effort would be spent on examining the clear signs that they’re now trying to replicate that messed-up system across what seems increasingly to be the United States of Trump.


No apologies are needed. We’re all just trying to figure out this mess which is a Trumptastic pile of crap.


And are willing, or still unaware that the norm with DJT is that they go to jail for the crimes, and he skates free.


Since none of them, DJT included have ever actually Done a (the) job, they think just looking like you are doing a boss job on TV is all there is to it.

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Who care the law is lesser mortals. Lara is Royalty.

Close, but it sounds better in the original Russian.