Legislative Staff Debugs Climate Plan As Manchin Threatens Its Existence

Land animals must have cloven (split) hooves and must chew cud. Can’t have blood either, so…

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According to Evan Osnos Manchin really believes in bipartisanship. That the more one talks to Republicans, then we can come to a consensus. Which of course is BS. Manchin refuses to see or admit that Republicans have changed the rules of the game. We as Dems can’t be earnest and idealistic when trying to get Republicans on board. While Manchin thinks that McConnell will come around, or other Republican senators will vote their conscience he’s not taking into account their speech and past actions.
Republicans don’t want to govern Manchin, they want to rule. And while you’re holding up Dem priorities, Dems across the country in blue cities within red states get beat down again and again. We need to move on voting rights, abortion rights, and this climate change thing before we can’t fix anything.
I realize that senators are more concerned with the voters in their state but Manchin and Sinema are screwing so many Dems that don’t live in majority blue states, and neither do these two represent majority blue states. It’s their fucking jobs to convince their voters that Dems have the best interest of the people and planet at heart, instead of trying to convince Republicans to go against McConnell.


New -- Economists find prolonged debt ceiling breach would:

-- Cost up to ~6 million jobs
-- Wipe out ~$15 trillion in household wealth
-- Drive unemployment rate to ~9%
-- Increase borrowing costs

GOP refusing to help Ds/WH as clock ticks ...https://t.co/PGJqEpTjuN

— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) September 21, 2021

Isn’t the problem with WV and their coal seams is that they’ve already pulled out the quality coal, and now it is harder to mine because the coal seam has more silica and thus more black lung.
Besides coal and gas extraction is always in boom or bust cycles.


Your not saying most, if not all politicians, are in it for themselves and friends with benefits are you?


Seriously -“moderates stake out ultimatums”? This shit has to stop - they’re “Conservative Democrats” or, the way things are going even “Radical Self-Styled Democrats” but they are not, but any stretch of the imagination “Moderates”.

Please media, get it right just once…


Not sure. I’m no expert on the coal mining, unless maybe we should start considering people who understand it needs to 100% stop to be the only experts on it.


Manchin does not care about the average person in West Viriginia. What he cares about is fracking and the dying industry of coal, his benefactors. In a perfect world he would get his comeuppance. Instead this unctuous creep gets to call the shots.


The GQP’s checklist of desirable outcomes that they, the far right propaganda machine and the MSM will happily blame on Biden and the Dems.


Especially when you consider that Manchin makes about a half-million dollars a year from what has been described in the media as the dirtiest, most polluting coal-fired power plant in West Virginia, the Grant’s Town Power Plant.


And the plural of ultimatum is ultimata.
Like datum and data.


The real problem is that most of the work of coal mining is now automated, and the work force hasn’t been educated or retrained for other jobs.
Not just in WVA, but in KY and PA, too.


What I know and have seen reported is that black lung is caused by silica. The silica particles are what scar the lungs. WV coal seams are now made up with more silica than in the early years.
And then there is expense of tunnel mining as opposed to pit mining which is what they do in WY.
Also WV hasn’t invested in other industries, other types of businesses. If your state is made up of older, less financially stable families then everything else goes to pot. More young people move out of state for better jobs, which makes it hard on those left behind.


WVA and KY are the strip-mining capitals of the country.
Tunnel mining is a thing of the past.


Ok that makes sense. So less chance of cave ins, but then strip mining also then puts more silica in the air to be blown hither and yon.


For sure. Which is of course why it’s such a shame everyone has failed to make the case that areas like WV or western PA and OH, etc., should be turned into the “Silicon Valley” of windmill and solar technology. Sure, it’s not as glorious as living on the coast in sunny CA and having the beach and Nappa Valley right around the corner, but if you want to create industry that replaces industry, you need to do it where the previous industry is located and where the hurt is gonna be…draw in the young and talented and educated…turn those areas blue…offer good jobs and job training AND PAYCHECKS FOR TRAINING TO SWITCH JOBS, etc. Done right and marketed well, those kinds of platforms could change the entire argument, but too many Dems are bought by the people who want to own the new industry…and they don’t want to live in western PA, where the winters are long and cold and the jet-setting, fame and fortune adjacent lifestyle isn’t really available.


Let’s recap: In order to ostensibly not “waste hardworking taxpayer’s dollars”, the GOP is going to

…(wait for it)…

Actually waste $15 trillion of hardworking taxpayer’s dollars.

Have I got that right?

(And why isn’t every journalist in America screaming this, instead of mindlessly parroting bullsh-t about how Republicans are “economic conservatives”?)


Because it’s really the fault of those nefarious socialist/commie pinkos who want to raise taxes on “journalists” making 7 figures.


Strip mining also destroys the landscape for miles around the mining site.


The same thing is happening in SE, S, SW MO. There used to be shoe factories for Brown Shoe Company and International Shoe. And then the manufacturing of shoes went overseas. So the farmers in that area went into pork production, and there were jobs in the meat processing plants, which was horrible, so the undocumented got those jobs.
And these areas in MO are the bible belt, where pro birth, less education by being home schooled Christian style, and thus meth became a big thing. And then they elect to the state lege people who complain about StL and KC.

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