A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.
After months of largely avoiding calls to reform the filibuster while GOP senators were gleefully weaponizing it to obstruct his agenda, the President said during a TV town hall event last night that he’s had enough: It’s time to “fundamentally alter the filibuster.”
One of them is reportedly a public corruption investigator who specializes in child exploitation crimes, while the other reportedly leads the public corruption unit.
Le Gasp! Biden Finally Embraces Changing The Filibuster
Can I be the first here to point out that this is the dumbest headline ever – well, at least the “le gasp” bit?
Biden has always known that this was a very real possibility and has always known that he had folks like Manchin (overtly against changing it) and probably more than a few covertly opposed to filibuster reform.
He had to let it play out until it was crystal clear to everyone involved that there is no other alternative.
Whoever believed that Joe was being other than pragmatic and wily hasn’t been paying attention.
Sheesh. I can gasp that we get dumbass headlines like this.
SoutHERners AND coNSERVAtive STATES are WINNINg the CIVIL war. AS long as WE contiNUE to TAKE more than we CONtribute.WE wILLcontinue TO win. CaPITALISM!!!
You’re clearly not a Republican, for whom the filibuster is sacred (whenever they are in the minority at least) and the right to vote is non-existent for all POC and iffy for all white non-property owners. This is good.
Actually, I sometimes half-wonder if Mitch isn’t trying to get the filibuster killed so that when the GQP regains the majority in the Senate they can do whatever batshit crazy things they can think up, but the Democrat’s fingerprints are all over the murder weapon.
I was about to post the same thing, but you were quicker off the mark than I. Except, of course, that I did not listen because it would just make my head explode.
Big surprise that Blackburn, big Pharma’s ambassador to opioid addiction, is now selling her services to the sars-covid virus. That poor excuse for a human being is personally responsible for a death toll in the millions
Apparently he can’t afford the couple hundred bucks to keep it going (and apparently this is not the first time he hasn’t renewed promptly). Another hypothesis put forth is that he let it intentionally lapsed to avoid closer scrutiny from the bar association during this legal mess, especially after he got reprimanded by them a couple of years ago.