Lawyers Think Mueller Report Redactions Reveal That Trump Lied

Lawyers for the House of Representative revealed in a Monday filing that they have reason to believe that grand jury redactions from the Mueller report lay out that President Donald Trump lied about his ignorance of his campaign’s interactions with WikiLeaks.

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I’ll take the over on Trump lying.


Lawyers for the House of Representative revealed in a Monday filing that they have reason to believe that grand jury redactions from the Mueller report lay out that President Donald Trump lied about his ignorance of his campaign’s interactions with WikiLeaks.

Say it’s not soooo…


Of course trump lied. It’s what he does. And if he wants to mount his defense via twitter he will find that sucks as an actual meaningful tactic.


Someone done got himself impeached over lying about consensual interaction with another adult.

Lying about colluding with a foreign power? It’s all cool brah!


Don’t just say it, do it…get the UNREDACTED grand jury documents now that there is an impeachment inquiry AND that the Criminal-In-Chief is all over the globe extorting/coercing/asking illegal favors from foreign nations to fabricate 2016 dirt on HRC + JB as well as win 2020 election with other illegal foreign help! Notwithstanding the Criminal-In-Chief inciting civil war and threatening WBs!

Per Mueller testimony…Trump’s written answers under oath was ‘Generally’ NOT always truthful.


Billy Barr??? Would you care to resign now, or wait and face your own impeachment and criminal proceedings?

I feel i should warn you, it really doesn’t matter which one you choose. You’re really, really fucked!


They have irrefutable evidence: his lips were moving.


Ummmm… That’s kinda the point of the whole article and the linked Politico story, it’s what they’re trying to do…


Well instead for looking at race as we usually do, we have to look at political party. So I wonder if it was a A/A Republican President who did what Trump does would all Republicans still have his back?


Yes, that was an unforgettable moment.


For what days he has left, Bob Mueller will have to live with the knowledge that when the nation needed him most to deliver courage; truth and justice, he failed. He joins a long list of those whose career will forever be linked to the stain that is the Trump administration.

I am sure even now somewhere someone is working on the book that details where and when Mueller decided he was a Republican first and an American second. He wouldn’t be the first Marine to lose his way when it comes to Donald Trump.

"Oh, we all do our duty when there’s no cost to it. Honor comes easy then. Yet sooner or later in every man’s life there comes a day when it’s not easy. A day when he must choose.

“The gods were cruel when they saw fit to test my vows. They waited till I was old.” Maester Aemon


The more I learn about Mueller, the more angry I become. If s whistleblower could lead us to facts, why couldn’t he?


Hey, I think the existence of oxygen in the atmosphere proves that Trump lied.

Trump lying is like a law of physics: it’s going to happen, whether you want it to or not.


Obstruction of Justice by Trump.

He laid out the case for that, and sent it to Congress, as he was constrained by the OLC memo from indicting him. But made it very clear, both in the report and in testimony, that had it been anyone but the President, they would have been indicted.

It’s Congress’ job to police the President.

You’ve got misplaced anger, it should be on MoscowMitch and his Treason Party, who decided they didn’t care if their President sold the country out to Russia.


Wait. did someone notice his lips were moving?

Stick it to him on the Ukraine, and use whatever else (Obs. Jus. campaign finance etc…) to get him a fitting for an orange jumpsuit when he leaves office…


He uses Twitter because it gives him a sense of Control.

Nobody on Twitter can talk back to him.
Nobody on Twitter can interrupt him.
Nobody on Twitter can censure him.
Nobody on Twitter can call him out on his lies in real time.
Nobody on Twitter can Laugh at him in real time.

He can (and does) just IGNORE everyone else on Twitter, and just uses it to brain-fart out his Edicts with (in his mind) no consequences.

The MSM helps in this by reading his Tweets, LIVE on the Air as if they are TRUTH instead of fact-checking him and challenging his lies (because is easier than doing actual Journalism.)


I see the lawyers are going for the low hanging fruit with a Donnie two scoops lie.

This is another take on “taking down the mob”, where they start at the bottom (a two scoops lie) and work their way up to the more politically sophisticated liars (Barr).


“Your Honor, can this be the one time ‘well, duh’ counts as a legal argument?”


What a revelation. I am very opposite-of-surprised.