Law Enforcement ‘Strategically Deflated’ Tires During Minneapolis Protests | Talking Points Memo

Law enforcement in Minneapolis on Monday acknowledged deliberately slashing the tires of parked cars in late May, as the protests over the police killing of George Floyd threw the city into turmoil.

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What a bunch of assholes. Even if one were to agree this is a legitimate tactic (dubious), you could accomplish the same thing by snipping the valve stem, a $3 part, rather than destroying the tire.


The Minneapolis Police Department Minnesota State Patrol is unsafe at any speed.


Watch the videos. Some of them are stabbing the sidewalls up to 10 times on a single tire. They were not looking to deflate the tires, they were purposefully destroying them, presumably to attack or “punish” whoever they thought the car belonged to.


Complete bs = the official story.
Someone should demand to see the written orders.
Deflation using the valve stem would have been equally effective, except for the aggressive intimidation and violence implied with the knives.


I simply can’t figure out why people in this country have issues with the police. It’s a mystery to me. Something I can’t put my finger on.


Complete and utter bullshit.
This shit is why credibility is being blown for the Police, smarmy asses.

As stupid as defund police is as a slogan politically, damn this stupid shit makes you sympathetic to the sentiment.


A bill to the responsible police agency seems warranted here, destruction of private property is not something the police can just do because they feel like it. And, it’s easy to deflate a tire, either cut the valve stem off, or just depress it and dump the air out…destroying the tire is just being aggressive and trying to punish people who the police think are there to oppose them. Really, this is just inexcusable.


Troopers also slashed tires of vehicles “that contained items used to cause harm during violent protests,” Gordon said

And what items would that be? And did you have a search warrant? Did they even keep track of the license plates of the cars they slashed or deflated tires? And why wouldn’t they just run the fucking plates?
So people of Minneapolis please send your repair bills straight to the state since they authorized this.


Christ. Just put a Boot on it and then make them pay a ticket to get it taken off.

They do this ALL THE TIME in downtown Minneapolis (and St. Paul) during concerts and parades if you are parked in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This was pure retaliation. Note that they TARGETED News Media Vehicles.


A class action lawsuit is what is in order, and naming the police official who authorized this personally.


If they’re doing things to preemptively stop acts of violence they should all hand in their guns and badges and head straight for the nearest jail cells themselves.


Why were Anoka County deputies even in Hennepin County? These good old boys are just having a good old time. Lawless law enforcement. Broken contract. Burn it all down.


And if they booted them on Sat and Sun then the popo deprived tow truck companies from picking up the cars and charging a storage fee. I hope they all had AAA.


It’s a widely-utilized policing technique commonly known as “the Brady.”


It does, but the cops could care less. Tax payers end up picking up that bill, and the cops keep on breaking shit. This is relatively minor in the scheme of abuses we have seen nationwide in the past week alone, but it goes to the point…the police in our country believe themselves to be completely unaccountable.


At a minimum this is malicious mischief.


Uh, did it occur to any of these “upholders of the law” that this was completely illegal. Deliberately vandalizing private property above a certain value is typically a felony in many jurisdictions. The “officers” should be arrested, tried, jailed, and fired.


“Strategic deflation.” That’s just an in-your-face provocation. But the joke’s on them. Three-quarters of the country will never look at cops the same way ever again. And I think it’s going to take drastic measures to turn this around. They’re just out of control.


If your head isn’t spinning enough already, consider that since all cars were legally parked, a boot and ticket would be completely inappropriate. To the extent that anyone believes they were actually trying to keep cars from being used as weapons, how slashing tires is more appropriate than merely deflating 2 tires is anyone’s guess, but maybe that’s why I’m not the head of a “Command Center.”