Latino Advocacy Group Warily Watching Romney-Rubio Alliance | Talking Points Memo

Mitt Romney may be able to win over Latino voters, according to a Latino advocacy group that’s been dogging him for months, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R) could offer him a way to do it. But before Latinos will be ready to listen, the group says, Romney will need to publicly sever some of the few close ties he has to the conservative GOP base.Romney and Rubio are slated to appear together in Pennsylvania Monday. Around the same time and in the same Pennsylvania town Romney and Rubio is hosting a town hall meeting with voters, a pro-DREAM Act advocacy group, DRM Capitol Group, is countering with a press conference urging Romney to distance himself from what immigration activists consider conservative boogeymen — key figures who helped engineer state crackdowns on illegal immigration, including Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R), former Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce (R) and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R).

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