Alaska Democrats are sounding the alarm around a last minute change to the state’s 2020 general election ballot that will no longer differentiate independent candidates, calling the quiet move a biased decision that was tacked on just days before ballots are to be mailed to overseas voters.
Looks like the independent Dr. Al Gross is an actual legitimate threat to Senator Dan Sullivan (and continued Republican control of the Senate) and needed to be stopped.
Fenumiai did not immediately provide an answer explaining the sudden change, telling the Daily News that she’s been occupied by other concerns.
Um, what is more pressing than the upcoming election. And if you CHANGED it, how do you not have time to explain that change? Oh, yeah, cuz you’re trying to skew the vote. “We don’ need to protect and deeefend NO steenkeen constitution…”
There is a coordinated campaign by Republicans to sow confusion on the ballots. In Oregon, Republicans have filed a last-minute (actually later than last-minute even) challenge to our current ballots, which have already been printed. There’s a hearing in about half an hour to enjoin our SoS from sending out the ballots because Republicans are trying to get the Libertarian candidates for US Senate off the ballot.
Doesn’t matter. GOP governors and state legislatures are going to refuse to certify Biden or Dems winning in their states anyway. They’ll stop vote counts short and/or claim fraud and if need be pass legislation appointing new electors sworn to vote for Trump.
They also already are preparing State Lawsuits (backed in many cases by the Republican Legislatures) to challenge the outcome of the vote, no matter how badly Trump loses in their state.
A.L.E.C. has already distributed “boilerplate” legal challenges to the “winner takes all” balloting measures all but 2 states have, and The Federalist Society are providing “legal advice” on how to sue to overturn the voting results and to arbitrarily replace the State “Electors” to the Electoral College with their own apparatchiks so they vote for Trump no matter what the voters decided.
The Democrats are not sitting on their hands either, and have assembled an impressive bench of legal minds to oppose such suits in State and Federal Courts.
This is the Trump Plan: Throw the outcome into such chaos that he can then declare Martial Law and SEIZE BALLOTS so they cannot be counted, or so they can be summarily destroyed before they are counted.
It’s going to be a real Shit-Show on Nov. 4th, 2020.
Now you know why Moscow Mitch has been cramming the District and Circuit Courts with Federalist Society members, as they will be the ones ruling on these lawsuits.
It’s going to make the 2000 SCOTUS decision look tame by comparison.
If the Republicans really go down the road of interfering with the vote count, or just ignoring it and appointing their own electors, there will be hell to pay. I don’t think Americans will accept a president who was elected through obvious cheating, and that’s what this would be…even some who voted for Trump won’t cross that line. It truly would lead to mass chaos, possibly a revolt, and the federal government would find itself without any power as states chose to go their own way like they are now with CDC recommendations.
They may try this, but I don’t think it’s going to work out for them the way they want. All this intransigence makes it much more important to get people out to vote…an overwhelming victory for Biden won’t be affected by all of this, or will require the cheating to be so incredibly outlandish that it just won’t stand.
Not going to happen. He can scream and whine all he likes (and he will), the ballots will continue to get counted. He can’t declare martial law in the States, so sending in the military isn’t an option unless he declares an insurrection that doesn’t exist, and the Pentagon will tell him to go Cheney himself.
The message that keeps being broadcast loud and clear is “take nothing for granted.” Historic practices, long held assumptions, standard interpretations- none of it means squat in the election context (and most others these days) if it interferes with the Republicans’ God given right to win no matter what the people want or reasonably expect.