So long as we’re giving proper equivalency between dickhead/dick and bitch, I 'm a-okay (otherwise we can call her a dickhead, which in her case…)
That’s the point: Trump WAS having fun making threats. He’s a sick, sadistic bully - and Lara Trump is fully complicit in enabling him.
Well, you probably saw the stories about a meeting to discuss resignation in return for pardons and ending the New York state investigations. It was never confirmed, but I have to think it’s crossed their minds. I doubt the Biden camp would talk about it for a red hot second, though. I don’t think they’re much inclined to and it would be political suicide. What would be in it for them, to ask a presidential question?
HAHAHAHA You know, the fun part is that it won’t help him with those set to vote for his opponent and it certainly won’t help him with Trumpers. The time to have broken with Trump was four years ago. But the GOP turning on Trump in the closing days of the election is one of the many reasons why I think he’ll blame them for his loss and spend the rest of his days railing against them. If Dems win the Senate and Joe and the Dems go about restoring the courts like I hope they will, Republicans are going to realize that the biggest mistake they ever made was allowing him to run on their ticket.
But, to paraphrase Mitt Romney, “Sadists are people, my friend.” It’s the all-purpose plank in the GOP platform.
Such ineffable weakness on display. They just want to get the country reopened and get back to work? Then why does the Trump Administration (not Trump) say it’s too dangerous to do? Why is it Trump and his ilk who whine and complain all day, yet advocate (via the CDC) the need for masks and social distancing?
The answer is they are so fucking lazy, they can’t even bring themselves to go against the CDC guidelines. The only ‘weapon’ in their arsenal is to imply and suggest the opposite of what the entire world says about this pandemic.
That’s why they spend other people’s money instead of their own. It’s why they think they can get away with appearing to be ‘outside the establishment’ without having to take a firm stand on their own.
They are lazy cowards. And snowflakes.
Oh, absolutely. Band-aid on a fractured skull. The internals, though, they must be ber-oo-tull, to make this futile gesture seem necessary.
Again: that filthy fucker is trying to get Gov Gretchen Whitmer killed. I have to say that his will be one of those obituaries I will, to paraphrase Clarence Darrow, read with great satisfaction.
I agree with you. A few days back, TPM featured a list of “prominent conservatives” which turned out to be F listers.
[This got me to thinking about an event I took part in as a kid when Neil Diamond was slated as a warm-up act, before the main event.
By the time Neil was done the “main event” was an anti-climax.]
The bracketed was a musician’s interlude (which was really a sojourn into “management and bookings of groups” )…But, to your point, these folks (especially Ronna) were a waste of time…
I can’t wish a sufficiently horrible fate for this person.
Yes. Remember how pardoning Richard Nixon gave Jerry Ford a big bounce?
Hair color?
So I guess in Trump world nothing is funnier than threats against women. Monsters all of them are monsters.
During his Michigan rally on Saturday night, Trump repeated his previous gripe that Whitmer should be more appreciative of the FBI for thwarting the alleged [right-wing (5 Points On The Alleged Plot To Kidnap The Governor Of Michigan - TPM – Talking Points Memo)kidnapping plot.
So, the Governor is supposed to be grateful the FBI and DoJ did their actual jobs for which they were formed many decades ago? In other words, she should be grateful they didn’t just let her die for the sin of being a Democrat? That’s how I read this statement. It’s just another form of extortion, for which he was impeached.
She’s going for consummately ridiculous, not just plain old ridiculous.
Agreed. Can we finally forgive Hillary for accurately labeling them as “Deplorables”?
Ron Johnson was on Fox News this morning suggesting to the brain-dead Maria Bartiromo there’s child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden.
Just for laughs, I wonder what her monthly salary is as a “senior campaign advisor”.
She’s there.