The Los Angeles Times editorial board has had enough of Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA).
“Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine) should resign from Congress so he can spend more time with his lawyers,” the Times’ editorial board wrote in a scorching editorial published on Wednesday. “He’s really going to need it.”
I waiting to hear how Margret Hunter didn’t figure this out at the time? And how much did Hunter spend on “political chicanery”, and how much on family expenses.
Or, more time with his girlfriends. Although, my guess is that, despite his immense personal charm, they may not find him quite as alluring as he once was.
I guarantee you that Hunter will play the PTSD card when he goes to trial.
I assume she initially decided that financial and political benefits of being a spouse of a corrupt congressman were sufficiently significant to overlook his infidelity. On the other hand, the desire to avoid a prison term reminded her of her own upstanding moral principles and the high expectations she had for her spouse’s moral character.
Boy, is that editorial board stupid/clueless. Hunter is a member of the Trump White Nationalists’ Party. They don’t resign or admit guilt. They just double down.
But I bet that any conversations that he has with his soon-to-be ex-wife are going to be tense.
“Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine) should resign from Congress so he can spend more time with his lawyers,” the Times’ editorial board wrote in a scorching editorial published on Wednesday. “He’s really going to need it.”
Not sure any lawyer is going to want to represent Duncan. The only worse client to have would be Trump.
I don’t think that is all of why Nixon resigned, more like the Republicans who followed were so traumatized that they had to make sure it could never happen again. So you push the Southern Strategy, elect a dumb actor who liked the John Birch/Goldwater BS, steal more than a few elections, including one (or two) for the president of the USA, impeach a popular D president, based on hypocritical bullshit, continue cultivating a “base” (perfect word) of ignorant, racist, and yes, deplorable humans. Of course they weren’t doing this from shock or reactive protectionism, they did it because the money powered oligarchs found them useful tools. Eisenhower warned about the idiot John Bircher rich bastards (because you don’t need to be intelligent to be rich) long ago. It took some time, but Charles Koch was very persistent in following his father’s nasty footsteps, and now we have it: the modern Republican party: Authoritarian, cruel, ignorant, stupid, racist and supremely greedy, and paternalistic, as always. And 100% owned by the stupid super rich. There’s misogyny too, and lots of it, but that has always been part of the tool kit. Oh sorry, I should just cut to the chase. Where we are right now is because of the Republican party of white, male, greedy assholes. The assholerly is remarkable. I am so tired.