LA’s Long, Troubled History With Urban Oil Drilling Is Nearing An End

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Those early pictures are really amazing. Helps in understanding why the region loves cars so much.

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Every time it rains in Los Angeles, their storm system dumps more oil pollutants into the ocean & wetlands via their storm drains than the oil industry ever did.


Thanks for reporting on this issue.

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Among posted effects, the sinking of areas around Terminal Island, with the closure of the Henry Ford Auto Assembly plant next to the Henry Ford Bridge.

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An oil company has recently sued the City of LA. The owner wants to continue drilling oil wells. This litigation will go on for years. Money is more important than people’s health. Wonder if the owner is a Christian?

Along with the petrochemicals in the run-off is tire dust, dosed with an anti-oxidant that sunlight degrades into 6PPD, highly toxic to salmonids, and who knows else…

The city set a 20-year phaseout period, while the county has yet to set a timetable.

Yeah, I’ll bet those phased out wells get capped properly at about the same rate as Nevada abandoned gold and silver mines.

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That’s nice, it is an artefact of having motor vehicles and highways. What is the rain doing to residents’ lungs?

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The dry residue of all of that becomes toxic dust FWIW until it’s sluiced into the sewerage system.

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