Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just gained approval from an unlikely ally: National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow.
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just gained approval from an unlikely ally: National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow.
Why would she want to discuss a right wing fantasy, except to say it’s bullshit?
Sorry, Larry. She only wants to meet with people who are smart and, as @johniwaniszek pointed out, grounded in reality, a state you have proven to be thoroughly unacquainted with.
Nice attempt at trying to gain a whit of respectability though.
“I’m hoping she and I can sit down to talk supply-side economics very soon,” Kudlow said.
Kudlow’s doing more trolling than the Icelandic fishing fleet.
Since when does “the greatest economy America has ever seen” require interest-rate cuts?!
Clearly, Trump’s booming economy ain’t so booming…
I’d love to hear AOC elaborate why the Phillip’s Curve no longer describes reality: because Republicans have used every means at their disposal to keep wages from growing.
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Hey, if you paper over the holes in the floor enough times, people might not fall through them.
Ohh Congrats, AOC!!!
With fans like bleeping Kudlow…
With friends like that…
Perhaps Larry wants AOC’s support when he challenges Pelosi for the speakership.
It would be a great service to the nation if Kudlow and AOC had a live televised discussion about supply side economics. Please, please oh please.
Kudlow’s grasp exceeds his reach…
Kudlow then said that “nobody in life is all good or all bad.”
Your boss, Larry. Your boss.
Kudlow is desperate for fans under age 70.
Because if she doesn’t, the “centrists” will call her a know-nothing.
I’m happy to discuss supply-side economics:
It’s a stupid “theory” that has no relationship to anything happening in the real world.
There; all done.
“I got to give her high marks for that,” Kudlow said, arguing that Ocasio-Cortez shares his and President Donald Trump’s position of “strong growth” not causing inflation and higher interest rates. “Looks like the Fed is going to cut their rates.”
Now do Biden and his segregationist “friends”.
With fronds like Kudlow, who needs enemas??