Kinzinger Suggests QAnon Theories Have ‘Unmoored’ The Republican Party | Talking Points Memo

Gets him to the same result…he is out of office soon. His district is R+8, but republicans, including him, have been winning it comfortably by double digits for a long time. Change party and he gets tossed in 2022 in the general. Stay in party, and he gets primaried, but at least he has a better chance.


Kevin McCarthy has a spine of jello.


CORE PROBLEM: The GOP has fetishized the 2nd Amendment so much (for donations and new deplorable voters) and promoted faux-grievances thru their RtWing Noise Machine that now a very uncomfortable percentage of its “supporters” (and now Congresspeople!) are heavily armed, seething with inchoate anger and racism, and very willing to threaten and commit violence to satisfy their emotional impulses.

A few guys like Kinzinger are brave enough to call it out. Most Reps and Senators will kowtow to the loonies and suffer Stockholm Syndrome out of fear. A purge is necessary yet not likely.


Mitch McConnell had this to say:

Some have interpreted the ‘throat wattle shimmy’ to be a sign that Representative Kinzinger may be singled out for the ‘QAnon Treatment’ himself in the near future.


Well, if you spell it without the terminal ‘e’, you have a frightening proposition:

Colonel Green, who is said to have led a genocidal war on Earth in the mid-21st century and whose actions led to the deaths of millions of people.


Nope. The erosion of Christian White Male Power unmoored the Republican Party. Trump and QAnon are just symptoms of the equivalent of stage three syphilis .


The audio tape between McCarthy Ryan, Scalise and others that came to light in 2017/18 for starters. Where McCarthy “joked” about who the Russians owned, and Ryan hurriedly try to shut him up, but in the process, basically spilled the beans that yep, he knows Russian money is going into GOP coffers.

Go back and look at some of the extraordinary events surrounding Ryan and his “fundraising” tactics. Like immediately leaving the room when it was time for the checks to be written. Look at what happened with the NRA, which was directly funneling Russian money into GOP campaigns. Add that little honeypot spy involved in all of that. She was rubbing elbows with LOTS of interesting republicans.

Ryan hated fundraising, and wasn’t very good at it. In fact, he made not doing a condition of becoming Speaker, which the GOP caucus promptly told him, “tough”. So, when opportunities came about for him to cut corners and get the money without doing the work…he took them.


“Per se.”


Are you looking for a job as my editor? Cause I don’t pay very well. :joy:


You did see this story when it broke, non?



Just thought you’d prefer to start using the correct term! :nerd_face:


By voting to impeach trump, he rejected the entire GOP platform.


Moscow Mitch: A man without a neck.


Despite Biden’s best efforts, I doubt the GOP can be saved.


OT but a wonderful speech by Sherrod Brown. Legislators and Capitol police were not the only ones endangered. These federal civil servants showed up, did their jobs and made it possible for Congress to complete the certification of the election.

White supremacists ransacked the Capitol. Black and brown workers cleaned it up.

I’m introducing a Senate resolution to recognize the Capitol custodians for their bravery and service to our country on January 6th.

We must honor the dignity of their work.

— Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) January 27, 2021

Kinzinger is acting and speaking like normal people should. He may not get the Rethugs to act any differently, but he has the media’s attention. Guess he could hop over to the Dems as I can’t imagine he’s comfortable with the Barbarian party.

I’m liking that the REPUBLICANS are recognizing their party has gone rogue. What say YOU, Kev? Oh that’s right…you’re down sucking Donnie’s … whatevers … while your girl is insisting that all that crap on video is so ‘last week’…

Woefully insufficient. Your claim was that Russia “massive[ly]” funded the GOP, not just that Dana Rohrbacher was on the take (which, itself, hasn’t been established at all).

As to the rest . . . you got nothin’. Did the NRA take some money from Russian sources? Sure. Did Paul Ryan avoid getting dirtied up with fundraising? Sure. Did a Russian honeypot find it pretty easy to find peripheral players with a taste for honey? Sure. None of it adds up to “massive funding from Russians.”


When the Framers preached against “factions” they weren’t far wrong. Kinzinger can run as an independent. It would be good to have a big bunch of true independents in Congress and they would have significant power is they were smart about it.

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I was coming here to say something similar. As I see it the ‘core problem’ is that because to the things you list, these people view democrats and liberals as inherently evil. Like an actual demonic evil.

No one came to believe this Q bullshit by being holding rational normal political beliefs that they then where convinced to change because Q was so convincing. They already HATED liberals to begin with, thought we where evil, and where just looking for a way to justify it. That’s not going to go away just by debunking the Q bullshit. The real issue is the right-wings constant drumbeat that liberals are evil in the first place. It was no coincidence there was so much christian imagery during the insurrection. Many white evangelical preachers are literally preaching in their sermons that liberals are a literal evil coming to destroy this country. Until that is addressed none of this will change.