Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) suggested on Friday that members of Congress who join a newly-formed, far-right caucus that has espoused nativist and white supremacist ideas should be stripped of their committees.
Right, like good for his outspokenness! but he’s surely asking for exile from the party, if not worse. These people are insane and fascists will not tolerate this level of dissent within their ranks.
I struggle but fail to find any positive contributions from this Republican Party to Americans’ life and well-being. They are utterly brain-dead, though a heartbeat continues. I honestly think they have a death wish at this point.
“History has shown that societal trust and political unity are threatened when foreign citizens are imported en-masse into a country, particularly without institutional support for assimilation and an expansive welfare state to bail them out should they fail to contribute positively to the country,” the document says, urging for a pause in immigration.
Is this why ICE keeps raiding businesses to catch large numbers of undocumented people?
There is absolutely no one who pays even half-serious attention to politics in the last 5-10 years who should be surprised by this. The Republican Party has been disinterested in becoming anything but the openly White Supremacist GQP now long before Trump - Obama was simply the last thing to fully unhinge them.
The truly disturbing thing is that if the complacent electorate and/or the relatively disappointed ones sit out 2022, this minority of a minority will first gum up the works and then possibly in 2024 give us our own full realized American Apartheid 21st Century Style.
And after that, even the weak patina of “Woke Megacapitalism” may crumble if not already, because what are the billionaires gonna do, refuse to deal with those who can pull the levers?
If media understood that we're in the midst of an ongoing domestic insurgency, it would understand that the hundreds of GOP bills intended to remove voting rights from Americans are the administrative face of a war on our democracy. I repeat—these bills are part of an insurgency.
Why is this guy engaging in such a futile endeavor? What’s truly absurd about this is that the real WASPs in this country—country-club bluebloods (who Donald Trump spent his life desperate to join)—must be thrilled to have this gang represent them, right?