Kinzinger Implores Senate: Convicting Trump Is ‘Necessary To Save America’ | Talking Points Memo

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) penned an opinion piece in the Washington Post that ran on Tuesday morning, urging his Senate colleagues to convict former President Donald Trump in the impeachment trial over his provocation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.  

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

If the GOP doesn’t take a stand, the chaos of the past few months, and the past four years, could quickly return,” Kinzinger wrote.

About that chaos, I have news for Mr. Kinzinger …


He’s not wrong. However, unless some really startling revelations come out at the impeachment trial, he is just peeing into the wind. He is a rare minority within his party who has a backbone. Me thinks that he will be replaced by just another slavering boneless wing nut. (Don’t know the district, but I just don’t see him being successful.) This goes for Meijer, too, who is my representative; he just isn’t as vocal about it.


Of course he’s not wrong.

Unfortunately, this is a tipping point to the future of the GOP’s power. They aren’t all that anxious to relinquish what they’ve enjoyed for the last who-knows-how-long anymore. If they lose their lynchpin to keeping some level of power with the hope of restoring themselves to their former glory by hitching their wagons to this guy, there is no future (in their eyes).

Of course, they could re-tool and go back to being who they were a generation ago, but that’s no fun.


National Weather Service is predicting swarms of flying pigs over the next week or so. Fleeing Washington DC.


They’re being incredibly short sighted, even for Rethuglicans. If they hang :owl: out to dry now, he’ll be in Ms. James’ thrall for quite some time to come. The moronic base will have forgotten about him in 6 months and someone else will come up with a new shiny object to keep them distracted. The GQP can do a reset in time for 2022, but they don’t have the guts to take the short term pain.


That’s why you have all these minor players jockeying for position to lead the movement.

At this point, I don’t know when Letitia and Cy will get on with it. Maybe they’re waiting to see what happens with the trial?


“Perhaps the most dangerous lie — or at least the most recent — was that the election was stolen. Of course it wasn’t, but a huge number of Republican leaders encouraged the belief that it was. Every time that lie was repeated, the riots of Jan. 6 became more likely,” Kizinger said.

In a soccer match when a player flops or takes a dive hoping to get a penalty kick, everyone in the stadium knows it. How you view it later just depends on whether the player was on you team.


The Senate’s credibility and relevance are at stake.


Asking today’s GOP to do the right thing and save America is like asking a junkie with the needle already in a vein to not geeze in the heroin.


I don’t like Mr. Kinzinger’s stance on any major political or moral issue, but I do appreciate that he is the rare Republican possessing an actual spine.


These air-dwelling pigs are advised to avoid the Midwest today, lest they quickly become porksicles, or sparring partners for Rocky Balboa.


Kinzinger is telling the truth which is something his conservative colleagues can’t handle. Nobody wants to believe that Jared is running the show, but he has from the very beginning. That’s the real threat.

It was fun watching how fast Cruz jumped into the fray when he thought Hawley would become the heir apparent to the MAGA empire. But Jared isn’t going to let Goring and Himmler have that much power. He’s in this for the long haul.


Yep, looking out my window looks like Dr. Zhivago.


Very possible but I hope not. According to the op/ed, he said the majority of the thousands of responses he’s gotten from his constituents have been supportive.

Not a fan of the guy’s politics, but clearly he’d be better than any Republican replacement, so hopefully what he said is a sign that at least he’s got a chance of staying in there.


Really? There is something still there to salvage?


Every poll shows that a majority favors conviction. Even allowing for underpolling of Trump supporters (which when all was said and done wasn’t as big as it originally appeared) the margin is such that it’s safe to says the “guilty” voters outnumber the “not guilty”. I could understand last time when those favoring conviction were in the minority, if only barely, but now the people say convict. Put on your big boy pants and do your jobs, Senators!


“The future of our party and our country depends on confronting what happened — so it doesn’t happen again.”

They literally always put party first.


A Brief History Of The Republican Party



Whip count: Where Democratic and Republican senators stand on convicting Trump

According to the Post 40 support conviction, 21 open to conviction and 37 opposed to conviction, 2 unknowns