Kinzinger: Far-Right Rage Over Ashli Babbitt’s Death Is Not Actually About Accountability | Talking Points Memo

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) argued on Tuesday that the right’s fascination with the death of Ashli Babbitt during the Capitol insurrection is not actually about accountability, despite what boosters of the cause suggest.

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Trump also said at a Saturday rally in Florida that, “if that were on the other side, the person that did the shooting would be strung up and hung.”

For all the crap that the Right has done, I’ve not seen a single one strung up and hanged, ever.

But he’ll go on with that false statement along with all the others he has used.

ETA: the Rittenhouse kid that killed protesters in Kenosha is still free on bail and is lauded as a folk hero by the Right.

Yeah. Just remember that one.



Not only did the officer do the right thing, but the intruders death had the positive effect of causing the rest of the mob to run like scalded dogs.


Kinzinger told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday that if the person shot “was BLM, or if this was actually Antifa, or if this was Muslims,” then the reaction would have been far different. “I guarantee you, [Rep.] Paul Gosar (R-AZ) would be the one defending the action of the officer instead of calling that officer who in my mind, is a hero, a murderer,” he said.

Yep, this pretty nicely sums it up.

Just the hallmark of today’s GQP. Nothing more to see here.


I appreciate that the few Republicans that I have gone against Trump on the Jan. 6th chaos have really stuck to their guns and refuse to back down.


Kinzinger told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday that if the person shot “was BLM, or if this was actually Antifa, or if this was Muslims,” then the reaction would have been far different. “I guarantee you, [Rep.] Paul Gosar (R-AZ) would be the one defending the action of the officer instead of calling that officer who in my mind, is a hero, a murderer,” he said.

Yep, we’re talking about the same people who gleefully cheered the murder of an unarmed 12-year-old playing in a park and were ready to canonize a man who murdered an unarmed teenager. These are the same people who laughed at George Floyd’s murder and cried when Chauvin wasn’t let off the hook. They’re perfectly fine with the cops killing unarmed Black people merely going about their lives, but man, oh, man, they better know their place when it comes to crazed white women trying to overthrow the government.


I wonder what the police forces around the country will make of this?


Above, I cited the Rittenhouse kid and his murders of protesters in Kenosha last summer.

The kid’s out on bail and a folk hero of sorts to the Right.

I haven’t seen any hangings there yet, have you?


Trump and his demented enablers have this perverse habit of simultaneously playing the role of victimizer while claiming to be a victim. It’s all part of the manipulative con and corrupting lie.


So, what happened to Kinzinger? He has an R after his name, and yet he sounds like a normal, decent person. How can this happen?


Nope, although quite a few of these traitors probably would be were it a different time.


What happens if Nancy nominates Kinzinger for the insurrection committee and McCarthy doesn’t agree?


This. I think we can safely say that it was a tragedy that Ashli Babbitt followed TFG to her death. I wouldn’t wish her outcome on anyone. But it was the least horrible outcome.

Why isn’t there outrage that people who’ve been fed a steady diet of misinformation were so encouraged and enraged that the January 6th Insurrection was made possible?

We have a limited window of time to address this, but I’m starting to fear that the genie is already out of the bottle. I truly weep for our country.


The Justice System Glacier of accountability will set this straight. The Right is simply trying to preemtively skew the picture.


You could ask that question for any of the GQP that are invited - they’ve already started targeting Liz Cheney.


I’m aiming this at the hypocrisy, and not the actual wasted life, but if she’d only followed orders she wouldn’t have been hurt.


Which is the same answer the Right gives people of color every day, when dealing with LEO.

I guess it only applies to POC.


And in the interim, we’re freely letting Fox News, OANN, etc. sow the seeds of our democracy’s destruction. What is wrong with this picture?


I wish her outcome on anyone who does what she did. Zero sympathy for traitors.


Although I disagree with Kinzinger’s quaint mainstream republican policies, I’m thankful that he’s not been afraid to speak up. The right has become so radicalized, I’m sure he’s seen a tremendous number of threats to himself and his loved ones. This is what courage looks like.