“Fox and Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade claimed on Tuesday that describing immigration as an “invasion” of the United States isn’t anti-Hispanic — it’s just that the so-called “invasion” happens to be at the southern border.
What kind of fucking name is Kilmeade anyway? Is that Irish? When did his family arrive on these shores? Before or after the potato famine? Asking for a friend. Fuck this guy. I don’t even wanna know his name. Asshole.
It was like the newspapers of the world noting with screaming headlines the German violation of Belgian neutrality in WWI. It wasn’t that it was anti-German; they were simply noting the large, new presence of German soldiers within Belgium’s borders. Calm, dispassionate, not meant to whip up emotions, simply stating the facts. Journamalism!
He claimed that President Donald Trump, who has frequently called immigration at the southern border an “invasion,” would be using “the same language” to describe Russian immigrants if they came through the Alaskan and Canadian border.
Very astute. Russians never invade from the south.
"Kilmeade himself commented in 2009 how Americans “keep marrying other species and other ethnics” while Swedes and Finns have “pure genes” and a “pure society” because, according to the Fox host, they only marry each other."
His name is Johnny Oduya and his mother is a Swede.
Dude, they’re already saying it. Any number of people will swear to you that growing up it meant “ignorant person” and that’s all it ever meant or could mean. They’re also saying Trump never said “good people on both sides.” Gonna be something about the chocolate ration any day now.
Listen here Killimede
There is a spot in the ninth circle where they are firing up a special fire just for you to roast in eternity for your hateful stupidity
Your soul has been sold and at a bargain price
The pseudo intellectuals who work at Fox News give themselves permission to normalize White Supremacy because they think they are enshrining an ideology when all they are really doing is filling the already overflowing pockets of the Murdochs. Stupid, fucking, useful idiots, the lot of them.