Key AZ GOPer Introduces Bill To Make Trump-Like Election Reversal Plots Easier | Talking Points Memo

It would be much easier for Arizona’s legislature to try to overturn the results of a presidential election under a bill introduced by a key Republican in the statehouse this week.

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Very useful for a future Democrat legislature to reverse the results of an election which mysteriously returned a Republican majority!


When I was growing up I was taught in school that despite all America’s challenges the country was about small d democracy. What the hell happened? Fox News yelling fire in a crowded theater? I think so, 25 years of it.


The new Arizona bill — which was introduced by state Rep. Shawnna Bolick, the chair of the Ways and Means committee…

Her husband, Clint, is an AZ supreme court justice.


Just more evidence that Republicans are going to give up on democracy and try to force a Republican president on us in 2024. That election is going to be very dangerous for the future of the nation…if there are real efforts to overturn the election again, the Republicans will bring people who actually know what they are doing next time and may be able to make it stick. The only way to avoid that is to spend the next two years reforming the voting system so that everyone can vote freely, and then get every person possible to vote for the Democrats; just figuring that things will work out isn’t an option anymore.

It really could be that serious, the states that will make the decision will again be controlled by a lot of Republicans, they can cheat if they have the space. Democrats need to hold the line in the midterm elections, they have to have people in place to block these kinds of things.


When you can’t win, it’s Calvinball time.


I think the official title of this Bill is, ‘The Quickest Way to Get Us Into A Shooting Civil War Act’.

Overturning election results by partisan vote? That’s how real uprisings start.


They never think of future contingencies, because they believe they will always be in power. To this extent, these people are fascists.


True, but the big problem that this highlights is that the Republican side seems to understand the importance of down-ballot, local and off-cycle elections and are thus disproportionally represented in state legislatures. They therefore see this kind of thing as their best chance to stay in control despite being in the minority.

The liberal/Democratic electorate needs to wake up and realize that EVERY election is crucial, not just the flashy presidential races.


The whole idea that a legislature can override the vote of the people of its state is the key to making “NPV” (the National Popular Vote compact) work. NPV will be the camel’s nose in the tent that authorizes Arizona’s move to essentially make presidential elections unnecessary. Just have the Lege go for the Republican!

Think of the savings.


Don’t worry too much, yet.


So I guess if democracy cannot guarantee White Christian Supremacy, lets do away with it.


I believe you have it surrounded.

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I’m guessing that’s a wildcat move by that individual. Shouldn’t they wait for the ALEC people to send their vetted proposed law???


It’s actually “White Protestant Supremacy”. These folks don’t even believe that Catholics are Christians.


Key AZ GOPer Introduces Bill To Make Trump-Like Election Reversal Plots Easier

It would be nice if she got laughed out of the chamber. But I suspect will soon be in front of the Governor for signing.


Starting to think like Joseph McCarthy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Curious how it works, Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses count as Christians, but Catholics do not.


This lady is obviously a RINO. If she were a real Republican, the bill would just mandate that the state’s electoral votes belong to Donald J. Trump from now until the end of time, and all citizens would be required to declare that his farts smell of the finest perfume.


Her husband Clint has been a long time right wing public interest lawyer. For years he would push school voucher schemes and other wingnut hobby horses. However to his credit he’s been on the right side on eminent domain issues ie Kelo vs New London.