“You scratch my back,” the saying goes, “and I’ll scratch yours… and yours… and yours…”
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1350872
“You scratch my back,” the saying goes, “and I’ll scratch yours… and yours… and yours…”
SDNY is coming.
The entire concept of pardons as Donnie is using them is criminal.
(What did I expect from a criminal?)
He’s not done yet.
O/T more rat fucking from Fox
Live Updates: Domestic dispute between Warnock, wife revealed | Fox News
I understand top contenders currently include Dennis Hastert, John Wilkes Booth, and Satan.
Not fast enough, but yes it is. Brings a big smile.
Or, as the White House put it: “[T]he situation turned violent, which resulted in the unfortunate deaths and injuries of Iraqi civilians.”
That’s some real passive-voice mystery right there.
That’s too bad…because of this, FOX News viewers won’t vote for Warnock
Sounds like that GA police department decided it wanted to get involved in un-mattering his black life.
Pardon the swamp!
OT, but…“someone please love me???”
We need these two races so badly in order to pass federal elections laws that prevent what they plan for the next 2 years in terms of screwing with voting rights to take the House and Senate in the mid-terms.
Never mind the projected image of being the Law & Order President. What screams that laws in this country aren’t worth shit more clearly than this?
It sounds to me like he was trying to get out of an escalating situation.
Moreover, it’s nearly impossible for me to imagine someone deliberately running over someone’s foot with a car.
It was hardly like he’s a Bond villain and she was strapped in place for easy targeting.
But, then, I’m not a Fox viewer.
A fish rots from the head down.
“Ultimately, Mr. Stockman is lucky to have benefited from the Trump presidency,” the former congressman’s lawyer, Gary Tabakman, told the Houston Chronicle. “In another political environment and under another administration, this may have not been a reality.”
Say, a maladministration that wasn’t run by a mobbed-up crime family?
[“The official COVID death toll is currently around 320,000. But virtually all are due to the pandemic – both COVID infections and collateral impact, which can range from acute stress (grief, economic dislocation) to degraded quality of medical care and myriad impacts of everything that has happened this last year.”]
The above is from Josh’s front page essay.
The willing association of Perdue and Loeffler with Trump–a genocidal scourge in American life–should have ethically disqualified both from this Senate race. But, to top that, is also their corruption and criminality.
Anyone being dissuaded from voting for Warnock, based on what I have seen here, probably was looking for a reason not to vote for him.
In any event, handling that is Stacey Abrams’ responsibility and these ratfuckings are part of the Game.
Trump, Bookbinder said, “sees the pardon power like he sees a lot of his other powers, as a way to reward friends and allies.” Sometimes, that means pardoning those who’ve helped Trump themselves, he said, “but some of it is giving pardons that allies and friends want. And that’s where these endorsements come in.”
It is called patronage, and it is the way crime bosses deliver favors. It is too bad that the money going on behind some of these pardons is probably hidden so deep that we will never know. This is definitely the grossest abuse of this power that our country has ever seen. When I think of all of the innocent people rotting in jail and all of the ones who committed minor crimes and got major punishment, it makes my brain want to throw up.
Here is the scandal that absolutely nobody saw coming (except for anyone who has been paying any attention for the last four years). I’m not sure that anything can be done about any of this. It’s not as though the current SCOTUS will do anything about this so, there’s that.