Kayleigh McEnany Trips Over Dual Roles As She Tiptoes Around Hatch Act In Fox Appearance | Talking Points Memo

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who has recently appeared as a Trump campaign adviser, tripped over her dual roles during a Fox News interview on Thursday in a move that highlights how she and other government officials have often toed the line between politics and government in the Trump White House. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1344235
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“That would be a question more for the White House,” McEnany said, skirting an issue that she would be expected to readily answer as a [White House] official.

She hasn’t exactly answered White House questions before.

Why start now?


Was she chewing gum while trying to talk? That could do it…


Just indict the twit on 12:01 on January 20th along with all the others. That’ll get the message across that the new administration isn’t putting up with this shit anymore. So sick of the constant refusal to follow the law. These people are not immune from prosecution. That should be made entirely clear. Either enforce the fucking law or get rid of it. Themz your choices. I say enforce it. There is no brighter line than what this maladministration has done repeatedly when it comes to ignoring the Hatch Act. The double standards have to end!


Kayleigh is a corrupt cross dresser.

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They can’t be gone fast enough.


Kayleigh McEnany Trips Over Dual Roles As She Tiptoes Around Hatch Act In Fox Appearance

For “tiptoes around”, read “contemptuously stomps all over”.


Kayleigh is definitely putting herself at risk of a fine of up to $1000, ineligibility for federal employment for up to five years, and a prison sentence on not one goddamned minute.

The Hatch Act is utterly toothless.


If she keeps this up, she’s going to look even more like Kellyanne in a few weeks. Q claims a Satanist pedophile cabal – have we looked into whether people in the GOP are eating Dalmatians to prolong their unnatural ability to lie on camera?


$1000 fine. Temporary disqualification from federal employment. That’s it. You might as well be demanding a life sentence for parking on the curb.


The numbers don’t lie,put a fork in Trump and company.


I’m sorry but there is something almost ‘obscene’ with that picture of Kayleigh gazing adoringly at Trump like yet another in his harem of ‘political wives’. Yuck.


The fact that she’s and Fox are concerned about which role she’s in at any given time suggests that both sides are trying to avoid the overt Hatch Act violations that they scoffed at before the election. I guess they think if they start obeying the law now we’ll forget about the hundreds of other times that the law was violated.


Except for the blanket pardon issued on 1/20/21 at 11:59 am.


‘I could tell you my adventures–beginning from this morning,’ said Kayleigh a little timidly: ‘but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.’


Well if its $1000 for each violation that is sure to add up…I hope. I know. That is kinda pathetic. You sure that’s all that can happen? I really haven’t looked into it. Maybe we need a better law. Ya think?


Is it mandatory for everyone in this Admin to get fake tans?


Not that I watch, but Fox could get interesting. With Trump claiming he wants to create a digital competitor to Fox it could be worth seeing where Fox goes in terms of coverage.

His destined to fail digital platform won’t be a real competitor, but with dwindling advertisers the Murdochs may want to kill it early. And its not like Trump would have the money to poach Hannity or Tucker. Im sure Judge Wine Box also prefers a steady paycheck.


Trump turns all his surrogates into contorted buffoons over time, just as Bush did before him.

Or into wraiths, as if Sauron had given them rings as gifts.


I’m all for them eating their own but I hope the real journalists will ignore this fucker the next four years except to report on his convictions.