Far-right commentator and Republican Senate candidate Kathy Barnette’s last-minute surge fizzled out as the vote counting began in Pennsylvania Tuesday night.
She’s already said the only candidate she would support after a win would be herself. Hopefully, this sends her back into the irrelevancy she so richly deserves.
And yeah, @kelaine , it could be a two-fer. Oz gets the nomination, quits medicine (his show would immediately have to go into hiatus), and then loses in November. He’s out of medicine and out of politics. Such a win!
Oz already quit his show, sending dozens of people into unexpected unemployment. Not that he can’t or won’t give it another go, notwithstanding the loserstench.
I can‘t speak for France, although their (national) elections are probably similar to Germany‘s, where you make two Xs — a vote (Erststimme) for an individual from the voting region from a list to become your member of parliament (Bundestag) and the second vote (Zweitstimme) is for a party and helps to determine how the seats in parliament are allocated.
It takes about 3 mins to make your two Xs, seal your ballot in an envelope and drop it into the box.
Counting 2 votes per ballot is also a lark in comparison to the US.
Even so, in Germany you can request an absentee ballot with no problems.
FatAss reveals his total ignorance. Again.
Note: the Chancellor is selected by the ruling party/coalition, not by the people.
Oz has a 2600 vote lead. With the remaining vote out, I think he’ll finish in the +1500 to +2000 range and win the primary.
Fetterman had an impressive win across the board, winning every county in the State. Hopefully he recovers from his recent health troubles quickly, but I do like his chances against Oz.
I’m all on board with this. Yes, let’s make election days either holidays or Sundays, and have simplified paper ballots, no messy electronic crap with no paper trails allowed.
Wait, I’m confused. How is it that Barnette’s past comments about homosexuality and Islam make her unacceptable as a GOP nominee for Senate? Wasn’t she just reiterating the party platform?
Oh wait…I think it was when she smeared Adolf Hitler by tying to him to Islam. That was a bridge too far.
Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Mastriano not only wants to ban all mail-in voting, he wants to void every Pennsylvanian’s voter’s registration and make us all re-register.
Trump has been convincing elderly Republican voters that it is unsafe to use absentee ballots. Such a shame that they’ve fallen for that. It can’t be helping Republican turnout.
I’d like to see a comparison of turnout by party and age for the last ten years.