Kasich: I’m Not ‘Turning Around’ From GOP Just Because I’m Speaking At DNC

Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), who has been granted a coveted speaking slot at the 2020 Democratic National Convention (DNC), is making it clear that his conservatives politics aren’t going anywhere.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1326306
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Make no mistake, Kasich is only trying to save repubs from themselves… and set himself up to run against Sherrod Brown.

Let’s not give too much to Kssich here.


Why was this horrible Republican invited to speak?

Don’t fall for his seeming moderation. It will prove to be fake.


the title says it all–no thanks. He is a stone-cold repub who likely supports everything the trump admin has done-especially no daca, trillions to the wealthy, and ending social security and medicare as soon as he can


Wait til he gets a seat in the Cabinet.

Kasich should be joined by others…

Schmidt, Frum, Jolly, Wilson, Rubin are more or less in the chattering class.

We need more people with something personally/politically they have to lose. We need Profiles in Courage and far far less cynicism.

With the kind of cynicism given credence in the present-day United States, those men tasked with jumping out of LST’s in Normandy 76 years ago would have stayed put.


At this point in time Kasich’s moderate stance, is only moderate in relation to Trump. If Kasich can bring over some R voters to get Trump out then he and they have done a good thing.


Stalin was no humanitarian, but without him we would all be speaking German.


What’s wrong with that? We have a two-party system, and we’re trying to keep it from becoming a one-party system.


“But I just think that at this point in time, my Republican affiliation is outweighed by my concern about the direction of the country,” he continued.

If nothing else, Kasich is saying out loud something few other republicans have - that putting country before party is the right thing to do.


There it is. His speech better be pre-approved.


I do not trust Kasich. I have been watching him for many years. He knows the words to say to make himself seem moderate. But then there is his record.


You are correct. THAT’S the lesson here: simple and direct.


But AOC just gets a pre-recorded 60 second slot in the middle of the week.

What a fucking sham.


People are looking at things too narrowly. Having Kasich speak is perfect for us. If Kasich runs for President again like he wants to, do you really think the GOP will want to elect a guy that spoke out against the current President at the Democratic National Convention?



WTF do you want, the complete and abject surrender of your political opposition, for some kind of Versailles Peace?

Yeah, Kasich is trying to save the Republican Party from Trumpism. That is a Good Thing.

Barring Orwellian reeducation camps, the real world is that the Kasich’s - like the anti-Nazi Right in Germany are the necessary components of defeating the Trumpist movement and having a country not slide into dystopian conflict. Legitimate opposition is a good thing.

Deranged neo-fascism is a bad thing.

Kasich provide a bridge for Republicans to cross without asking them to become outright Dems, which is a bridge too far.

Removing votes from Trump and Trumpist is a Good Thing, and it is Good thing to give reasonable people an Exit from Trumpism, even if they don’t come over to the left side.


Agreed, but in this election I do not want to see third party votes, and I do not want see or hear about anyone sitting out this election. The only excuse I’ll accept is if you are on a ventilator.

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Why, because splitting off votes from the Republicans, giving people who are Party identifying but not really Trumpists at core is the one and only path to ensuring that Trumpism in congress is Crushed.

The MidWest and even South West need cross-over paths - as 2018 showed it’s entirely possible to have centrists win - the Lefties won’t in those STates (outside urban centers at least) but center will.

Kasich makes such things palatable. United Front kind of work.

The anti Nazi fight failed in the 30s due to tribal black-and-white thinking from both Right and Left in the center - so we don’t want to commit the same goddamn mistakes. (Just like we’re committing the same goddamn mistakes as 1918 around pandemic).


Freshman rep being included in the speaking list that is littered with big shots and Bidens opponents? Sounds like she’s being given a pretty sweet opportunity that no other freshman rep is being offered.


Sure. But don’t you see that it could be viewed as a bad thing that the Democrats, are, as usual, chasing the voters in the center (if such a thing exists anymore) rather than the ones on the Left?

I don’t particularly care about this either way, but this paves the way for more of the typical Dem “Oh, well, we can’t have a Democrat as SoD, because we all agree that Democrats are wimps. And everyone knows that Republicans are the ones who are best with the economy, so we’d better get a GOPer in Treasury.”

I think that it’s pointless. Their minds have been too poisoned. They could put some jumper cables on Reagan and have him give a rousing speech to rally the country for the Democrats, and it wouldn’t change the fact that 30 seconds later a good 40% of the country would still believe that the Biden/Harris ticket was the most Leftist gun-grabbing hippie-hugging welfare-loving ticket that ever existed.

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