Trump adviser Kash Patel received immunity to testify before a federal grand jury on Wednesday in the Justice Department’s investigation of the Mar-a-Lago documents scandal, per multiple reports.
Is he sure he spelled his first name correctly? It’s all about the Jacksons in Trump’s camp, whatever nonsense they spew about MAGA, FreeDUMB and Murca Furst. In any case, a small fish to catch & release (heh) in pursuit of the Fat White Whale.
Patel is being given “use” immunity, which means his testimony can’t be used (directly) against him. But nothing stops DoJ from doing parallel construction of evidence of crimes and going after him anyways. Super-simplified: perp with use immunity testifies he participated in a bank robbery at 123 Main. Prosecution pulls the video records from that day, sees perp in with the others doing the robbery, arrests him on the basis of the video evidence.
Kashboy would much prefer to be invoking the 5th here, but now he can’t (without going to jail indefinitely for contempt of court). Also, he can still get popped for perjury or obstruction of justice if he lies on the stand.
The immunity deal requires that he be truthful. The man’s skilled at evasion and that’s OK. The problem with “being truthful” is the folks questioning him will need to know the truth before asking…or he’s free to lie his ass off.
Other than letting this POS walk…I doubt anything comes of this.
Is that the same as or similar to qualified immunity? And what’s the highest level of immunity, where they can’t get you for the underlying crimes no matter how they got the evidence? Just curious.
I read the article, of course. That being said, the Justice Department couldn’t compel him to do anything. For example, Bannon wouldn’t have taken the deal. The judge said “only if”.
It’s not a rule but a good practice. In this case there’s no way for them to know unless Patel coughs it up. If he’s confident that the truth cannot be known he’s free to lie and he will lie.