GOP strategist Karl Rove, whom President Donald Trump has reportedly consulted for advice on his reelection campaign, asserted on Tuesday that the President tweeting in defense of the Confederate flag isn’t doing him any favors.
“Did what the President tweeted on Monday advance the cause that he laid out on Saturday?” Rove said during a Fox News interview, referring to Trump’s bombastic speech at Mount Rushmore this weekend. “I think the answer is an unambiguous no, it did not.”
1 ) Rushmore was 7/3, the South Lawn bser was 7/4.
2 ) both of Trump’s speeches were garbage.
“The President has a limited number of days between now and the election. When he tweets, it’s a powerful message,” he continued. “And the question is does that message continue to advance the narrative that he and those around him decided that he would lay out on Saturday at Mount Rushmore? And the answer is no, it didn’t.”
1 ) re: powerful message
2 ) it does advance the narrative, but not in a good way
Oh Karl
Go have sex with yourself
The biggest proprietor of bullshit, malfeasance racism and identity politics doesn’t get to comment on anything
You and Trump were made for each other and if his poll numbers were better you would be fine with it
the question is does that message continue to advance the narrative that he and those around him decided that he would lay out on Saturday at Mount Rushmore? And the answer is no, it didn’t.”
wrong there, rover. The Message, as always is the same … racism, racism, racism. and the abomination never deviates from that message, it’s what he is.
It’s not helpful to say things that make the sane majority gag and retch. Thank you so much, Karl Rove, I’ll write that down in my book of important things to write down.
It is hard to believe (and I don’t) that Rove is just now discovering what has long been obvious to everyone who is paying attention. Trump is his own “strategist” (in quotes, because the idea that Trump has a strategy is an insult to the concept), and Trump can’t stay consistent in anything that is inconsistent with his impulse of the moment.
Trump simply can’t be guided by an adviser like Rove the way that “W” could be.
Will somebody please make Turdblossum KKKarl go away, maybe get him to mercifully join his mentor Lee Atwater in that special hell they so richly deserve.
This is simply a matter of adjusting Trump’s medication. More thorazine, more cough syrup, less cocaine. Don’t take for granted though that the same dose you used one week will work for the following week. Play with the ratios until he’s humming but not warbling or screaming.
Hey Karl, when Trump tweets he’s just creating his own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—he’ll tweet again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, especially you Karl, will be left to just study what he tweets…
“I saw the press secretary yesterday say to the White House press corps, ‘Why aren’t you asking about all of the violence that was in our American cities over the weekend?’” he said, adding: “That was a good question. But the answer is because the president didn’t tweet about that. He tweeted about Bubba Wallace and the Confederate flag and NASCAR. And I don’t see that those advance his cause at all.”
That is actually a good point that some reporter should try to make at a press conference – except that Kayleigh McEnany would simply ignore it and do her trademark flounce-out.