Kari Lake’s Default Judgment Request In Defamation Suit Borrows From MAGA Playbook - TPM – Talking Points Memo

I am curious as to why Kari Lake left a highly paid TV gig in Phoenix for the risky life of a maybe elected politician… It is transactional. Ya win or ya lose. In Kari’s case she lost the governor’s race and feels she is owed compensation or something.

Katie Hobbs won the governor’s race. And Kari is a very sore loser.


Indeed. Intent to defame seems relevant to me. I have a need to know.


How about the judgement include a retraction of all the lies to be printed in the major national papers as recompence for her stupid? Or is that cruel and unusual?


This woman is long passed her sell-by date. Ignore her.


If someone is able to make a public statement that directly contradicts what they admit in court, what is the point of not being able to lie in court? Are we just protecting the tender ears of the judge, bailiff and stenographer? No, the court exists to represent the public. I don’t think the 1st amendment was meant to allow someone to walk either side of the tightrope like that. When a fact is conceded in court by someone, that person should not be able to go right out and lie about that fact outside of court.



I just re-watched Crash of the Moons and realized it should be renamed “Kari Lake in Outer Space!” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_of_the_Moons


Where’s the fire in the dumpster sniffitt? Lol … Oh wait. He’s right there.

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Rancid to the bone.

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“And I think the more informed supporters realize that.” dream on…