I’m away from Twitter and Facebook for Lent, so the other day, my wife showed me a video via Twitter of Pope Francis blessing an empty, rainy St. Peter’s Square. Good heavens, did I cry like a baby seeing that.
Regrettably, it could also be the funeral of brave healthcare workers.
Wagle in particular likes to stoke Christian conservatives. Any chance she gets to appeal to a hobbyhorse, she jumps all over it. But I really hope the faithful are not holding out for divine intervention if they decide to fill the churches on Sunday. God has a long track record of allowing a contagion to run its course.
Happy crucifixion, everyone!!! Come on up to Golgotha, It’ll be a blast!
One started life as a scientist. The other is a life-long conman.
A country of laws…made by white Christians for everyone but them to follow.
Since he’s the second coming, shouldn’t he be busy today?
I once commented that I don’t celebrate Good Friday, I observe it.
Not a f’ing clue.
And the evangelicals suck this shit up.
That’s not all they suck up.
I was watching Maddow’s segment last night about the underreported front line of the covid-19 battle: nursing homes all over the country and how there is no center repository of information to give us an idea of the enormity of the carnage.
She challenged people to do a search of their home town, or any random community in rural America they could remember from traveling.
I checked my home town and searched: Anderson Indiana coronavirus. Sure enough, 3 days ago, 11 nursing home patients died of covid-19, top story.
It struck me, multiply that across the country.
If it weren’t for the fact that these stupid people will leave their services and infect the innocent at grocery stores and pharmacies I’d say let them have a ball. But we’re all stuck in this together so we need to use law against them.
We always did, I think. Fingers crossed for Kansas.
@ralph_vonholst For the stupid people who trust Trump more than the CDC, I hope they are buying hydroxychloroquin on the dark web and truly knocking themselves out.
And yes, I’m sorry to say I have come to this point. A bit of a monster now.
infringement on the constitutional right to freedom of religion
Damn. Republicans are becoming more liberal than liberals.
First, Texas aborted the idea of fetal personhood by declaring abortion to be an elective medical procedure for women. Now, Kansas Republicans are affirming a right to religion-assisted suicide.
Darwin will win if her order is turned over.
It’s good to see this as part of this story:
Susan Wagle, president of the Senate who is also running for Pat Roberts’ U.S. Senate seat, took to Twitter to criticize Kelly for “closing our churches,” while also encouraging her followers to stay home.
As I said in another thread, you can read Wagle’s every move this legislative session through that lens: before the virus outbreak, tax revenues kept exceeding estimates, so she’d recommended rescinding the taxes restored in Brownback’s final year as governor; she’s delayed the Senate’s voting on the House’s bipartisan (and wildly popular in the state) Medicaid expansion bill until the House will agree to approve a ballot question on the upcoming primary ballot that will amend the state constitution to state that there’s no state-guaranteed right to an abortion; and now this. She even complained about extra funding for health services included as part of this year’s budget that was approved because of the outbreak.
Well. If things continue as they have been, she’s not going to win the nomination. She’s riding a Brownback-esque horse in this race (as is Kobach), but neither of them seems to have figured out that Brownback’s policy failures have soured even a lot of Republicans on that way of thinking–and all three of them were in office when the (GOP-controlled) legislature overrode Brownback’s veto of the bill rescinding his tax cuts. I mean, Kansans are conservative, yes, but they still want a functioning state government and state services.
(I’ll shut up now–I know this is probably too Inside Baseball for most people’s tastes here.)
Oh dear, will he actually observe Good Friday by praying silently between the hours of noon and 3PM? He is not well.
To date, 130+ nursing homes/ assisted living facilities in WA state have Covid-19.
Cut to social security benefit cost savings slides resultant from the Trump COVID-19 response plan.
Right up there with people “celebrating” Lent.
Beware the man who prays loudest in church.