Kansas’ Republican congressional leaders overturned an order issued by the Democratic governor limiting church gatherings of more than 10 people on Wednesday, with Easter just days away.
I saw a few ministers on TV this morning who agreed with Kelly’s decision and claimed they were NOT holding services, one insisting a church wasn’t the building but the members and they should stay home and stay healthy. It’s a big lose for the R’s.
The Republican leadership here is using this emergency to glorify themselves to their fellow wingnuts.
They are compulsive authoritarians, and they wait until the last possible moments to exact ideological retribution to gratify those dominance urges, then they congratulate one another for counting coup on the evil left, fiddling giddily as Kansas burns.
This is profoundly different, but not to them.
It is just another chance to flaunt their majority and prove their stubborn ignorance.
Our outrage is their ego gratification, no matter what disaster spawns it.
Until it starts adding up in their own home somehow, the mortality numbers just won’t matter.
On roller skates? Or by being foolish enough to believe that God gave you a warning, and that you’re not truly faithful if you are only faithful in group of more than 10 people?
He dismissed stories about COVID-19 clusters springing up within church congregations, saying that those outbreaks seemed to occur before the governor issued a stay-at-home order.
But if…I mean surely…obviously that’s…OK, fine, I give up.
So all those other tracing of connections from people in other states, or other countries that when to church, or funeral is just a sign that they’re not truly worthy of God’s protection.
So is this the first volley in the internecine Religious wars?