Kamala Harris Gives Sherrod Brown A Fighting Chance To Win

I think with the right amount of money he is a push over. Hawley has some billionaire supporters, the same ones who stripped Missouri for parts, and he is an avowed Christian Nationalist so he has some big church funding but Missouri isn’t as red as people think. All you have to do to beat a Christian crazy in Missouri is follow the McCaskill plan. Missouri women don’t like assholes who want to tell them what to do with their bodies. As far as Missouri is concerned that is what the Hawleys, Josh and Erin, want to do.

Claire would still be in Senate if she had realized he was such an anti abortion absolutist, anti-conraception, anti-IVF asshole


Since Bill Clinton decided to ship American jobs overseas to help his financial friends on Wall Street, the Democratic party has been losing its tradtional white working class roots. Harris and Walz are changing that. Her choice of Walz was brilliant. A genuine white working class Dad with a big heart and genuine understanding. Thier embrace of unions is going to lead to a revival of the traditional white working class support for the Democratic party, at least in the midwest. I kind of feel sorry for the Republicans. It is hard to run a party exclusively catering to billionaire bros like Elon Musk. I think we are going to find the Christian Nationalists are not as strong as they think because a lof of them are more Christian than Nationalist.


Some of us still remember the feckless Ted Strickland.


If Democrats don’t get rewarded for Biden and Harris standing on picket lines, then the white working class in this country is going to get what it deserves, good and hard.


Trivia: many moons ago, I went to college with one of Strickland’s kids. I haven’t seen or heard anything about him since graduation. Then again, what I know about Ohio politicians could fit into a thimble and have room left over for a dog biscuit.

Allred’s campaign strategy seems - from a distance- to be quite curious.
Outward appearances reveal no overpowering aggressiveness, or great sense of urgency - are we missing something?

Does he intend to kick into an absolute bull-rush … giant 75 day wave of energy … right after Labor Day? Are we needlessly being prematurely anxious just because it would seem that a stellar campaign could excise the malignancy that is Ted Cruz?


His ads are deceptive, calling him an Independent. He will caucus with the Rs. His print materials talk about eliminating “the radical left” in MD. That dog won’t hunt here.


Ms Riga says that if Sherrod Brown and Jon Tester lose, Susan Collins will be the only Senator representing a state that votes for the other party in national elections.

I would argue that John Ossoff and Raphael Warnock are red state Senators, given that Georgia is largely controlled by Republicans and has voted Republican for president in all recent elections excepting 2020. (Southern gentlemen Bill Clinton won Georgia in 1996 and Jimmy Carter in 1976 and 1980)


In the midst of a ton of desperation email contribution solicitations from the Testor campaign I saw a poll a couple weeks ago showing he had at least a 7 point lead on the carpetbagger running against him. He won reelection in 2018 by how many points? People like Brown and Testor for their down home attitudes and sincere work they do for the state and the nation. Kamala is going to get women and kids in Montana and Ohio out to vote and they’re not voting for the dotard or his cronies.


“Tepid” is a good word for Allred’s efforts in West Texas. I’ll have to ask my sister if he’s running any ads in DFW.


A significant number of Ford trucks were made in Windsor, Ontario for decades, right across the bridge from Fords flagship factories in Detroit. Ford has been an international producer of vehicles since long before NAFTA or the dotards new YMCA.


Many of us in Ohio never understood how the federal government assigned “domestic” and “foregin” labels to cars. For example, between roughly 1985 and 1995, the Ford Escort was labeled domestic while the Honda Civic was labeled “foreign”. Both models were assembled in the US, but more than 75% of the parts going into a Civic were manufactured here while only about 65% of the Escort parts were. It’s possible that more of the Escort parts were made by off-shore by US companies, while many of the US made parts in a Civic were made by Japanese companies. But do we determine whether a part is foreign or domestic by who owns the company making the part, or by who actually makes the part.


Quite different than Hermosillo Sonora. Windsor and Detroit were essentially a single economic market. Other than handling the freight, Tucson gets little from the F-150 plant in Hermosillo. There are a number of companies servicing the maquilladoras, but not enough to make up for the number of manufacturing jobs lost.

My wife worked for a company that provided American manufacturers all the infrastructure they needed in order for them to be able to move their machinery to Mexico and immediately begin production in Guaymas and serveral other cities.
This company also provided any and all labor the Americans might want, and a wage that is a small fraction of the US union rates they replace.
I will say that this company does provide them free transportation and onsite child care from infant through Kindergarten with education. But still the wages are atrocious. They can only provide those benefits because those people are also being paid poorly.


Part 2:

In the late 80’s, a co-worker, who I didn’t know, criticized me for purchasing a “foreign” car. The car in question was a 1987 VW Golf, assembled in New Stanton, PA. Foreign owed, yes, but built here. I suggested he might want to check where he Plymouth Voyager was assembled before criticized others. He was shocked to find that his “American” car was assembled in Canada (Windsor, ON). There is nothing wrong with that in my mind, he was just being an idiot.


The next move by the UAW will be to make union wages/benefits and environmental standards international. It can be done. Right now China is moving into Mexico in a big way to manufacture EVs which will really hurt anti union Tesla.


Anybody know why the Missouri Dem party appeared to push Trudy Busch Valentine past Kunce onto the ticket against Eric Schmitt in 2022? Kunce was getting good attention nationally and then suddenly the zero-experience rich lady came out of nowhere and won the Dem primary against him (apparently with – or so I’ve heard – strong backing from important MO Dem folk) and then ran what looked to me to be a super-low-energy losing campaign against Schmitt with bad ads and little in the way of appearances, live or electronic. That series of events seems very odd to me.


The answer to your question is in Trudy Busch Valentine’s name. She is a Busch and as such is worth a lot of money. It was thought she would fund her own campaign. Kunce is not the son of a billionaire family. By they way Valentine didn’t put as much money into the campaign as the Missouri democrats (all gray hairs by then) thought she would and the campaign was poorly run. Kunce looks like he is running a more populist campaign. His Missourri “stripped for parts” line resonnates with a lot of voters in Missouri.

If you look at the initiatives that have passed in Missouri over the last few cycles you have to think it is a pretty progressive state waiting for leadership. The people of Missouri are closer to the people of Minnesota or Illinois than they are to the people of Arkansas. It just needs leadership not provided by our national party.