Kamala Harris Gives Sherrod Brown A Fighting Chance To Win

Biden is why the Democrats have a chance to reemerge from the failures of the party’s response to Reagan. I really, really love that Joe got out on the picket line with the UAW. I love that Harris and Walz have spent time courting unions this week. Walz is a proud union member. A lot of the leadership of the Democratic party are still Democrat lite.


Poor fly


Man, I can’t stand looking at that disgusting little creature - (and I hate that fly on his face, as well…) :smirk:


There is another side to this, which is states that are true blue but have an iffy race down ticket. MD will go for Harris without a doubt, but they (not me) also elected Larry Hogan as a Republican Governor twice. He is running for the Senate to rob a seat from the Dems. I think it was smart for Biden/Harris to have that event in MD yesterday and I hope Harris comes back to give Alsobrooks a boost. In my 40 years in MD, I have never seen a presidential candidate come here until yesterday. JFK might have come to B’More.


Rolling Stone reports that unnamed repuglican operators are worried about what used to be solid red states, including Florida and Ohio. These operatives are not revealing their data so as not to demoralize the repugnant, and they’re not telling drump about it because it would only upset him. But they’re running their mouths to Rolling Stone. Music to our ears from a premier musig magazine.


If you think Red State polls are bad now - Trump is riding a trend line that’s heading straight to Hell

And I ask you … is he likely to become insightful, introspective, inclusive?

Not when the only thing he knows how to do in a fight is
A. Talk shit
B. … when A doesn’t work …run away!


How did Ryan lose to Vance??! That was gross political malpractice.


Clinton (Bill) won Iowa twice
Obama won Iowa twice
Even Gore won in Iowa

These aren’t ancient results.

From Kate Riga. Emphasis mine:

“Take nothing for granted but if the urban electorates in Ohio and the young voters in Ohio are energized because of Harris-Walz, that’s life Sherrod needs,” former Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper told TPM.

“The one thing that could kill him in November is a lack of enthusiasm on the Democratic side where the base doesn’t come out,” Dr. Dave Cohen, a professor of political science at the University of Akron, told TPM. “Kamala Harris replacing Biden was the best possible news that Sherrod Brown could have gotten.”


Folks, the Missouri Senate seat might be in play with the constitutional amendment on abortion on the ballot. Run along, Josh. Run along.

(h/t to Jess Piper for the “Run along” line.)


Ryan ran a terrible campaign, tried to distance himself from the Democratic Party, and voted against making Pelosi Speaker.

He internalized the MSM’s “Democrats don’t care about the working class anymore” pseudo-populist BS and gave voters nothing.

Despite that, I wanted him to win. He’s from my hometown of Youngstown, Ohio, which has been losing union jobs for 50 years, despite the claims by some here that the losses only started in the 1990s.


The Democrats controlled Annapolis when Hogan was Governor, so there was only so much he could do. He’s not a bad person, but he started running one of those scary “everything is falling apart because of Democratic urban policies.”


The according to the “experts”.

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FABULOUS ad from the Lucas Kunce campaign!


And that’s probably the key element in this race. I know a LOT of Republicans who aren’t gonna vote for Trump.


Piper is excellent! She ain’t scared of nobody.


Watching MSNBC tonight I saw Josh Hawley stalking Lucas Kunce at the Missouri State Fair. He just dumped a million dollars in local advertising against Kunce. That means Hawley is scared shitless about Kunce. I have no idea what the internal polling says but the avowed Christian Nationalist must have seen something rhat scares him. Too bad the DNC has written Kunce off because he is in a Red State. Missouri might as well be a province in France as far as the DNC is concerned. Abortion is going to be on the ballot in Missouri this November.

Make a donation to Kunce as soon as you can. I have.


I feel like Missouri is the sleeper race. The Post forgot to mention it in their Senate survey today, even as they covered freakin’ Maryland.


The contrast between Brown’s embrace of Harris and Allred’s tepid response is very telling.


Nobody thinks about Missouri. The Missouri Democratic Party ought to sue the DNC for non-support.

In fairness the last public poll in Missouri was in June when Hawley had a 9 point lead. Harris changes everything. Trump’s collapse changes even more.


Hawley is just such a transparent self-seeker. The whole “Ladders” saga is Exhibit A and he didn’t prevail over McCaskill by that much. Voters, whatever their stripe, can come to resent that sort of thing.